Encoder copied to clipboard
Encoder with esp-07: Fatal exception 0 (Illegal Instruction Cause)
Dear Paul,
I use your routine and get random fatal exceptions. After spending unsuccessfull hours may I ask you for help? I tried Arduino IDE 1.6.[7,8 and latest build] and all options in the menu for flash/cpu mode or frequency, different ESP-07, all with the same result: the function crashes randomly, although I use yield(). Any help would be greatly appreciated - I'm running out of ideas :-(
Thanks a lot and regards, Ditmar
Error message (and my function used is cited below):
Fatal exception 0(IllegalInstructionCause): epc1=0x402027c0, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000000, depc=0x00000000 Exception (0): epc1=0x402027c0 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000 ctx: sys sp: 3ffffc30 end: 3fffffb0 offset: 01a0
stack>>> 3ffffdd0: ........
void vorzurueck(int swtch, int mtr12pwm, long enc_steps) {
boolean anhalt = mcp.digitalRead(swtch);
if (!anhalt) {
long tmp_enc = 0;
mcp.digitalWrite(mtr12pwm, 1);
while (!anhalt && tmp_enc < enc_steps) {
anhalt = mcp.digitalRead(swtch);
tmp_enc = encmotor1.read();
if (tmp_enc %1000==0) Serial.println(tmp_enc);
mcp.digitalWrite(mtr12pwm, 0);
I can't help with ESP
Seems like it esp-07 does not crash / reboot when #define ENCODER_DO_NOT_USE_INTERRUPTS is used before #include "<"Encoder.h">" I do not know yet if it is loosing counts with that option.
Unfortunately #define ENCODER_DO_NOT_USE_INTERRUPTS is not an option as (the esp doesn't crash but) the encoder looses a lot of counts with it :-(
You better off asking your question on the Arduino/Esp8266 branch brunnwart.
By the way, Paul Your SerialFlash library is pretty much 100% compatible with the Esp8266/arduino platform, now, by the way. It was only requiring 2 little changes, one in the SDtoflash sketch and one in the ESP8266 version of the SPI.h file, that does not really concern you any way..
Great work! We might take a look at the audio part of your work, that all is really great, thank you so much.
On ESP8266 interrupt routines you need to prefix with ICACHE_RAM_ATTR to avoid crashes.
See my pull request https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Encoder/pull/15 or pull from my fork at https://github.com/realholgi/Encoder
Hi @realholgi , I used your files but I am still getting exceptions in the code. It did not help. I get exceptions even if I don't use interrupts. The illegal instruction exception line reported in the stack trace in Encoder.h is line 774: static void isr12(void) { update(interruptArgs[12]); } I am using ESP8266 ....
@vks007 obviously you defined ENCODER_USE_INTERRUPTS , which I have not used and fixed. Try to undef it or prefix the corresponding line 774 with ICACHE_RAM_ATTR...
Hi @realholgi , sorry I did not understand your suggestion. Can you be a bit more specific please. fyi, I am using your libraries & not from Paul.