icon indicating copy to clipboard operation copied to clipboard

Official repository for the mobile Application

Official repository for the mobile Application

The Android version can actually be found here. The iOS version is not available anymore since Apple subscription was really expensive for such few users. However, the source code is now available so you can easily build the application and make it run on your iPhone/iPad.


This app has been built using the ionic framework which is basically using PhoneGap and Cordova but also includes AngularJS to build hybrid application (HTML5 + JavaScript basically).


Good news! The source code is now avaible.

  • Ionic-cli is required before you start doing anything.
  • Go inside the code repository
  • ionic serve and this should install everything for you, run it locally and open up your fav browser with the app loaded in!

Want to build for your platform? No worries, Ionic got you cover:

  1. Add the platform that you want to
ionic add platform ios|android|...
  1. Build the platform you want to application to run
ionic build platform ios|android|...

The Ionic documentation is worth it here:

Updating ionic version?

For this, I was using:

rm www/lib/ionic/bower.json
ionic lib update

Updating other libs using bower?

For this, use the command:

bower update

Contact me?

If you want to contact me, use my twitter handle: @PaulWebSec