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P(rocess) M(anager) 25

PM25 is a production process manager for Node.js / io.js applications with a built-in load balancer. It allows you to keep applications alive forever, to reload them without downtime and to facilitate common system admin tasks.

Starting an application in production mode is as easy as:

$ pm25 start app.js

PM25 is constantly assailed by more than 400 tests.

Compatible with io.js and Node.js. Compatible with CoffeeScript. Works on Linux (stable) & MacOSx (stable) & Windows (stable).

Version npmNPM DownloadsBuild StatusDependencies


Install PM25

$ npm install pm25 -g

npm is a builtin CLI when you install Node.js - Installing Node.js or io.js with NVM

Start an application

$ pm25 start app.js

Your app is now put in background, kept alive forever and monitored.

Or you can use pm25 programmatically:

var pm25 = require('pm25');

pm2.connect(function() {
    script    : 'app.js',         // Script to be run
    exec_mode : 'cluster',        // Allow your app to be clustered
    instances : 4,                // Optional: Scale your app by 4
    max_memory_restart : '100M'   // Optional: Restart your app if it reaches 100Mo
  }, function(err, apps) {

Update PM25

# Install latest pm25 version
$ npm install pm25 -g
# Save process list, exit old PM25 & restore all processes
$ pm25 update

PM25 updates are seamless

Main features

Process management

Once apps are started you can list and manage them easily:

Process listing

Listing all running processes:

$ pm25 list

Managing your processes is straightforward:

$ pm25 stop     <app_name|id|'all'|json_conf>
$ pm25 restart  <app_name|id|'all'|json_conf>
$ pm25 delete   <app_name|id|'all'|json_conf>

To have more details on a specific process:

$ pm25 describe <id|app_name>

CPU / Memory Monitoring


Monitoring all processes launched:

$ pm25 monit

Log facilities


Displaying logs of a specified process or all processes, in real time:

pm25 logs ['all'|'PM25'|app_name|app_id] [--err|--out] [--lines <n>] [--raw] [--ti\ mestamp [format]]


$ pm25 logs
$ pm25 logs WEB-API --err
$ pm25 logs all --raw
$ pm25 logs --lines 5
$ pm25 logs --timestamp "HH:mm:ss"
$ pm25 logs WEB-API --lines 0 --timestamp "HH:mm" --out
$ pm25 logs PM25 --timestamp

$ pm25 flush          # Clear all the logs

Load balancing / 0s reload downtime

When an app is started with the -i option, the cluster mode is enabled.

Supported by all major Node.js frameworks and any Node.js / io.js applications

Framework supported

Warning: If you want to use the embedded load balancer (cluster mode), we recommend the use of node#0.12.0+, node#0.11.16+ or io.js#1.0.2+. We do not support node#0.10.*'s cluster module anymore.

With the cluster mode, PM25 enables load balancing between multiple application to use all CPUs available in a server. Each HTTP/TCP/UDP request will be forwarded to one specific process at a time.

$ pm25 start app.js -i max  # Enable load-balancer and cluster features

$ pm25 reload all           # Reload all apps in 0s manner

$ pm25 scale <app_name> <instance_number> # Increase / Decrease process number

More informations about how PM25 make clustering easy

Startup script generation

PM25 can generate and configure a startup script to keep PM25 and your processes alive at every server restart. Execute the startup command only as the user to be running the PM25 daemon.

$ pm25 startup
# auto-detect platform
$ pm25 startup [platform]
# render startup-script for a specific platform, the [platform] could be one of:
#   ubuntu|centos|redhat|gentoo|systemd|darwin|amazon

To save a process list just do:

$ pm25 save

Development mode

PM25 comes with a development tool that allow you to start an application and restart it on file change.

# Start your application in development mode
# = Print the logs and restart on file change
$ pm25-dev run my-app.js

Run Next generation Javascript

PM25 embeds BabelJS to use next generation Javascript both in development and production.

All features are supported, like watch and restart, cluster mode, reload and related.

To run an ES6/ES7 applications:

# Enable ES6/ES7 live compilation
$ pm25 start app.js --next-gen-js

# Or use the .es extension to automatically enable it
$ pm25 start

PM25 monitoring

PM25 Dashboard

If you manage your NodeJS app with PM25, PM25 makes it easy to monitor and manage apps accross servers. Feel free to try it:

Discover the monitoring dashboard for PM25

Thanks in advance and we hope that you like PM25!

More PM25 features

PM25 Full documentation







PM25 is made available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (AGPL 3.0). For other license contact us.
