weather-icons-lite copied to clipboard
A lightweight version of Weather-Icons
Weather Icons Light
Weather Themed Icons and CSS
Weather Icons Lite is a collection of weather themed icons, which are already integrated within node-RED, or can be used in any project that needs high quality weather & moon phase icons!
Basic Usage
The icons are displayed by using an <i...>
element, adding the base class wi and then the icon class you want.
If you used Wunderground's 'wu' prefix and their 'partlycloudy' icon key, it would look like <i class="wi wi-wu-partlycloudy"></i>
The same format applies to Darksky & Openweathermap icon feeds; <i class="wi wi-darksky-clear-day"></i>
and <i class="wi wi-owm-01d"></i>
A full list of the Wunderground, Openweathermap, Darksky & Moon api mappings, which map the api output to a particular weather icon can be found on the CSS Mapping reference.
To add a modifier, include the class you want after the icon name.
The modifiers listed below can also be used with font-awsome icons, such as;
<i class="fa fa-location-arrow wi-rotate-45 wi-4x"></i>
Icons inherit the font-size from their parent container, and can be increased or decreased relatively using any of the following switches; wi-1x
, wi-2x
, wi-3x
, up to wi-10x
and also wi-xs
, wi-sm
, wi-lg
Example of a relative change; <i class="wi wi-wu-partlycloudy wi-5x"></i>
Icon size can also be changed by varying the style
attribute of the containing HTML element;
<div style="font-size: 48px;">
<i class="wi wi-darksky-clear-day"></i>
Icon colour
Icons can be given a specific colour by adding a style attribute to the <i class>
Example of changing icon colour; <i class="wi wi-darksky-clear-day" style="color:red;"></i>
Rotating icons
Weather-Icons & Font Awsome icons can also be flipped or rotated, using any of the modifiers; wi-flip-vertical
, wi-flip-horizontal
, and wi-rotate-23
, wi-rotate-45
etc (including angles 23, 45, 68, 90, 113, 135, 158, 180, 203, 225, 248, 270, 293, 315, 338, 0).
Cardinal & Ordinal references can also be used - wi-rotate-NE
, wi-towards-WNW
& wi-from-ESE
(all of which will rotate the icons clockwise).
Example of icon rotation; <i class="wi wi-wu-partlycloudy wi-rotate-270"></i>
Positioning icons
To position the icon centrally in a node-RED dashboard element, it is necessary to add a style
attribute around the <i class>
<div style="flex; height:100%; justify-content:center; align-items:center;">
<i class="wi wi-darksky-clear-day">
Example Flow
An example node-RED flow demonstrating a combination of the styling elements above;
[{"id":"67f03385.7ae68c","type":"ui_template","z":"a444a9ff.e7a408","group":"ddd690d2.0351d","name":"ui_template","order":2,"width":"5","height":"5","format":"<div style=\"display: flex;height: 100%;justify-content: center;align-items: center;\">\n<i class=\"wi wi-darksky-thunderstorm wi-4x wi-rotate-270\" style=\"color:red;\"></i>\n</div>","storeOutMessages":false,"fwdInMessages":true,"templateScope":"local","x":600,"y":1980,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"f0ce6f0.a8e049","type":"inject","z":"a444a9ff.e7a408","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"str","repeat":"5","crontab":"","once":true,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":440,"y":1980,"wires":[["67f03385.7ae68c"]]},{"id":"ddd690d2.0351d","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"weather-icons-lite","tab":"117b6717.6166b9","disp":true,"width":"27","collapse":false},{"id":"117b6717.6166b9","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Example","icon":"dashboard","order":7,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}]
The icon designs are originally by Lukas Bischoff. Additional Icon art & CSS by Erik Flowers.
Weather-icons-lite, CSS update & Node-red compatibility changes by me - Paul Reed.
- Weather Icons licensed under SIL OFL 1.1
- Code licensed under MIT License
- Documentation licensed under CC BY 3.0