Hi, Is it correct that the battery charger circuit on the LyraT mini includes load sharing (AO3401/SS24), but does not include battery protection, like DW01A/FS8205 ? Any reason why this...
Hi, I am confused with the install instructions (maybe I am not sufficiently experienced ?) Install instruction says : 1) **In your Arduino sketchbook directory**, create tools directory if it...
Hi, I get following error, despite I upgraded to 8.2.2. Error is coming back. I imported this file in Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 2 I also took out...
Hi, I ordered ESP32-3248S035C but received the ESP32-3248S035 without suffix. I is impossible to get information from the supplier on wether this one has a touch screen, and if it...
1. I get a Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed, after loading an LVGL file that is running well on ESP32-3248S035, using ESP32wroom , but due to insufficient memory to...
### Board ESP32S3 DEVKitC-1 ### Device Description none ### Hardware Configuration ILI9486 3.5" TFT ### Version v3.0.4 ### IDE Name Arduino 2.3.2 ### Operating System windows10 ### Flash frequency QIO80mhz...