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:arrow_upper_left: The missing Angular WebSocket module for connecting client applications to servers by @AngularClass

Results 66 angular-websocket issues
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How to connect to a WS with auth token?

Is there a possibility to disable the websocket handshake? I try to connect a angular web app with this modul to a CC3220 WLAN-Chip from TI and the example source...

I came from ng-websocket ( in which you can simply do: `var ws = $websocket.$new('ws://localhost:12345', true);` The true makes it auto-reconnect when there's a failure. How can I create the...

Sorry, this repo will be rewritten for Angular versions 4+ I can back port it for AngularJS if there are requests.


Hello, I'm having an issue using this lib. when I do `.close()` without any parameter, servers send a frame with no code which is in returned, interpreted by browsers as...

First of all, I'm an AngularJS newbie, so I'm sorry for the trivial question. Why can't I use a simple variable instead of a collection for MyData? I tried to...

Adding ng-app to make example work instantly. No need for debbugging, might save people some minutes. Thanks.

`npm list`: ``` ├─┬ [email protected] │ └─┬ [email protected] │ ├── [email protected] │ └── [email protected] ``` App.js ``` (function() { var angular_websocket; angular_websocket = require('angular-websocket'); }).call(this); ``` Command `browserify app.js -o...

Hello Everyone, I have been trying to use $websocketBackend in my source code (I am not doing unit tests). After few hours of reading, I understand $websocketBackend is not doing...