eagerly awaiting this being merged :crossed_fingers:
@ctz would you be the right person to nudge regarding this?
@mikedilger in what situation would I want that info? I read a bit and it seems to be for instances where multiple dns entries point to the same application. So...
@mikedilger is there a way I could study your implementation?
I was able to reproduce, very strange, will look into it
so take a look at what [deploy]( does. To uninstall you can: 1. uninstall whichever your system didn't have prior to deploy (for example a system might have vim and...
Perhaps this is better as a section in the readme
I'll fix this shortly, trying out some new stuff
Currently autoupdating talks to the network everytime a new tab is opened, it would be better to have an autoupdater running in the background and checking for updates periodically (or...