Gordon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Gordon copied to clipboard

Ever wanted to get yelled at by Chef Ramsay whenever you inevitably fuck up your script or make a typo on the command line? Well now you can.


build coverage insults


Ever wanted to get yelled at by Chef Ramsay whenever you inevitably fuck up your script or make a typo on the command line? Well now you can.

Introducing: Gordon, the command line tool for MacOS and Linux that will make you feel like a fucking donkey because you can't spell the command quit correctly.



Screaming and swearing is just around the corner, just follow these simple steps:

  • Download all the insults from the insults directory
  • Place the contents of gordon.sh into your ~/.bash_profile
  • Set the GORDON_INSULTS variable to the directory where you saved your insults
  • Install the additional libraries:
    • Mac OSX: brew install coreutils(Includes gshuf)
    • Linux: apt-get install mpv (Sound library)

That's it! Try messing up on the command line, and enjoy Chef Ramsay's insults. I even added a nifty little test script for you called test.py.


The license only applies to the code, I don't own any of the sounds, please don't sue me Fox.