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The gravity generator isn't going down when a gravity annomaly detonates
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BYOND Version
Issue Description
When a event spawned gravity anomaly detonates, its not breaking the gravgen
What did you expect to happen?
It to
What happened instead?
IT didn't
Why is this bad/What are the consequences?
Steps to reproduce the issue.
force a gravity anomaly event via the event panel
When did the problem start happening?
Extra information
var/turf/T = get_turf(src)
if(T && length(GLOB.gravity_generators["[T.z]"]))
var/obj/machinery/gravity_generator/main/G = pick(GLOB.gravity_generators["[T.z]"])
G.set_broken() //Requires engineering to fix the gravity generator, as it gets overloaded by the anomaly.
log_and_message_admins("A [name] has detonated a gravity generator")
the issue is the fact that the station gen isn't being seen as a valid option, and im too dumb to figure out why this is the case.
Relevant log output/runtime error
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