JAVA-SE-Tutorial-codeswithpankaj copied to clipboard
Pankaj-Str's GitHub, 'JAVA-SE-Tutorial-codeswithpankaj,' is a concise compendium of Java SE tutorials. Ideal for developers and learners, it offers clear and insightful code snippets, providing an eff...
Java Programming Topics
This is a list of Java programming topics for a study plan or course.
Day | Topic Name | Description |
01 | Introduction | Introduction to Java: Learn the basics of Java, its history, features, and how it runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). |
02 | Operators | Operators in Java: Explore various operators for performing operations like arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise in Java. |
03 | If_Else | If-Else Statements: Understand how to use if-else statements for conditional execution of code based on specific conditions. |
04 | SwitchStatement | Switch Statements: Dive into switch statements for efficient selection among multiple code blocks based on an expression's value. |
05 | Java Loop | Loops in Java: Master the usage of for, while, and do-while loops for repetitive tasks in Java programs. |
06 | Arrays | Arrays in Java: Learn about arrays for storing multiple values of the same data type and common array operations. |
07 | Function | Functions and Methods: Explore the creation and usage of functions (methods) for reusable code in Java. |
08 | BreakContinue | Break and Continue: Understand the "break" and "continue" statements for controlling loop execution. |
09 | ClassObjects | Classes and Objects: Learn how to define classes, create objects, and access their properties and methods. |
10 | Constructor | Constructors: Explore constructors used to initialize objects when they are created. |
11 | Strings | String Manipulation: Master string manipulation techniques, including concatenation, substring, and more. |
12 | AccessModifiers | Access Modifiers: Understand access modifiers (public, private, protected, default) for controlling visibility in Java. |
13 | ThisKeyword | 'this' Keyword: Learn how to use the "this" keyword to reference the current instance of a class. |
14 | FinalKeyword | 'final' Keyword: Explore the usage of the "final" keyword to make classes, methods, and variables immutable. |
15 | Recursion_Instanceof | Recursion and 'instanceof': Delve into recursion, a method calling itself, and use the "instanceof" operator to test object types. |
16 | Inheritance | Inheritance: Understand how inheritance allows the creation of new classes based on existing ones, inheriting their attributes and behaviors. |
17 | MethodOverriding | Method Overriding: Explore method overriding, which allows a subclass to provide specific implementations of inherited methods. |
18 | SuperKeyword | 'super' Keyword: Learn how the "super" keyword is used to reference the superclass and call its methods and constructors. |
19 | AbstractClassMethod | Abstract Classes/Methods: Understand abstract classes and methods that cannot be instantiated but provide a blueprint for subclasses. |
20 | Interfaces | Interfaces: Learn how to define and implement interfaces, specifying a contract for classes in Java. |
21 | Polymorphism | Polymorphism: Explore polymorphism, allowing objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass. |
22 | Encapsulation | Encapsulation: Master the concept of bundling data and methods into classes, enhancing data security and code organization. |
23 | NestedClassExample | Nested Classes: Explore various types of nested classes, including inner classes, static nested classes, and anonymous classes. |
24 | MathUtility | Math Utility Classes: Understand the Math class for mathematical functions and constants in Java. |
26 | AnonymousClass | Anonymous Classes: Learn about anonymous classes, which are used for inline implementations of interfaces or abstract classes. |
27 | Singleton | Singleton Design Pattern: Explore the Singleton pattern to ensure a class has a single instance and provides a global point of access. |
28 | Enum | Enumerations: Understand enums, a special data type for defining sets of constants with predefined values. |
29 | Reflection | Reflection in Java: Learn about reflection, which allows Java code to inspect and manipulate class objects at runtime. |
30 | ExceptionHandling | Exception Handling: Explore techniques for handling exceptions and managing errors in Java applications. |
31 | List | Lists in Java: Understand lists, an ordered collection of elements, and how to work with them in Java. |
32 | ArrayList | ArrayList: Learn about dynamic arrays (ArrayList) and their common operations for flexible data storage. |
33 | Stack | Stack: Understand the stack data structure, commonly used for managing function calls and undo operations. |
34 | Vector | Vector: Learn about the Vector class, a synchronized implementation of a dynamic array in Java. |
35 | QueueInterface | Queue Interface: Explore the Queue interface and its implementations for managing elements in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order. |
36 | DequeInterface | Deque Interface: Learn about the Deque (Double-ended Queue) interface and its implementations in Java. |
37 | LinkedList | LinkedList: Understand the LinkedList data structure for efficient insertions and deletions of elements. |
38 | ArrayDeque | ArrayDeque: Learn about ArrayDeque, a double-ended queue implementation based on arrays. |
39 | BlockingQueue | BlockingQueue: Explore the concept of a BlockingQueue, designed for concurrent programming. |
40 | ArrayBlockingQueue | ArrayBlockingQueue: Learn about ArrayBlockingQueue, a thread-safe queue with a fixed capacity. |
41 | LinkedBlockingQueue | LinkedBlockingQueue: Understand LinkedBlockingQueue, a concurrent queue based on linked nodes. |
42 | HashMap | HashMap: Learn about the HashMap data structure for efficient key-value pair storage and retrieval. |
43 | LinkedHashMap | LinkedHashMap: Explore the LinkedHashMap, a map that maintains the order of key-value pairs based on insertion order. |
44 | LinkedHashMap | LinkedHashMap: A continuation of the LinkedHashMap topic, diving deeper into its usage and features. |
45 | EnumMap | EnumMap: Understand EnumMap, a specialized map for enum keys, offering efficient and type-safe mapping. |
46 | SortedMapInterface | Sorted Map Interface: Explore the SortedMap interface for maintaining key-value pairs in sorted order. |
47 | NavigableMapInterface | Navigable Map Interface: Learn about the NavigableMap interface, which provides navigation and manipulation methods for sorted maps. |
48 | TreeMap | TreeMap: Understand the TreeMap data structure, which implements NavigableMap for maintaining elements in sorted order. |
49 | ConcurrentMapInterface | Concurrent Map Interface: Explore the ConcurrentMap interface for thread-safe key-value mappings. |
50 | Set_Interface | Set Interface: Learn about the Set interface and its implementations, which represent collections of unique elements. |
51 | HashSet | HashSet: Understand HashSet, a set implementation that uses a hash table for efficient element storage. |
52 | EnumSet | EnumSet: Learn about EnumSet, a specialized set for enum elements, offering efficient and type-safe storage. |
53 | LinkedHashSet | LinkedHashSet: Explore LinkedHashSet, which maintains the order of elements based on insertion order. |
54 | SortedSetInterface | Sorted Set Interface: Understand the SortedSet interface for maintaining elements in sorted order without duplicates. |
55 | NavigableSetInterface | Navigable Set Interface: Learn about the NavigableSet interface, providing navigation and manipulation methods for sorted sets. |
56 | TreeSet | TreeSet: Understand the TreeSet, a set implementation based on a self-balancing binary search tree. |
57 | IO_Streams | Input/Output Streams: Explore input and output streams for reading from and writing to files and other sources in Java. |
58 | Java_Reader_Writer | Reader and Writer: Learn about the Reader and Writer classes for character-based I/O operations in Java. |