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Movie Ticket Management System
Python Programming Assignment: Movie Ticket Management System
Objective: Develop a command-line Movie Ticket Management System using Python. This project will help you practice object-oriented programming, data structures, file handling, and basic algorithms.
Movie Class: Create a class called 'Movie' with the following attributes:
- title (string)
- duration (integer, in minutes)
- rating (string, e.g., "PG", "PG-13", "R")
- show_times (list of datetime objects)
- init: Initialize the movie object
- str: Return a string representation of the movie
- add_show_time: Add a new show time for the movie
- remove_show_time: Remove a show time for the movie
Theater Class: Create a class called 'Theater' with the following attributes:
- name (string)
- capacity (integer)
- movies (list of Movie objects)
- seats (dictionary mapping show times to lists of available seats)
- init: Initialize the theater object
- add_movie: Add a new movie to the theater
- remove_movie: Remove a movie from the theater
- display_movies: Show all movies currently playing
- display_show_times: Show all show times for a specific movie
- book_ticket: Book a ticket for a specific movie and show time
- cancel_booking: Cancel a booking for a specific movie and show time
TicketSystem Class: Create a class called 'TicketSystem' to manage the overall system:
- theaters (list of Theater objects)
- init: Initialize the ticket system
- add_theater: Add a new theater to the system
- remove_theater: Remove a theater from the system
- display_theaters: Show all theaters in the system
- save_to_file: Save the system data to a file
- load_from_file: Load the system data from a file
Main Program: Create a main program that does the following:
- Initializes a TicketSystem object
- Loads existing data from a file (if available)
- Presents a menu to the user with the following options: a. Add a new theater b. Add a new movie to a theater c. Display all theaters d. Display movies in a specific theater e. Book a ticket f. Cancel a booking g. Save and exit
- Implements each menu option using the TicketSystem and Theater class methods
- Saves the system data to a file before exiting
Error Handling: Implement proper error handling throughout the program. For example:
- Handle file not found errors when loading data
- Handle invalid input from users
- Prevent overbooking of seats
- Handle cases where a movie or theater doesn't exist
Data Persistence: Use file I/O to save and load the system data. You can use JSON or pickle for data storage.
Example Usage:
Welcome to the Movie Ticket Management System
- Add a new theater
- Add a new movie to a theater
- Display all theaters
- Display movies in a specific theater
- Book a ticket
- Cancel a booking
- Save and exit Enter your choice: 1
Enter theater name: Cineplex Enter theater capacity: 100
Theater added successfully!
- Add a new theater
- Add a new movie to a theater
- Display all theaters
- Display movies in a specific theater
- Book a ticket
- Cancel a booking
- Save and exit Enter your choice: 2
Enter theater name: Cineplex Enter movie title: Inception Enter movie duration (in minutes): 148 Enter movie rating: PG-13 Enter show time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM): 2024-09-01 19:30
Movie added successfully!
- Add a new theater
- Add a new movie to a theater
- Display all theaters
- Display movies in a specific theater
- Book a ticket
- Cancel a booking
- Save and exit Enter your choice: 5
Enter theater name: Cineplex Enter movie title: Inception Enter show time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM): 2024-09-01 19:30 Enter number of tickets: 2
Tickets booked successfully!
- Add a new theater
- Add a new movie to a theater
- Display all theaters
- Display movies in a specific theater
- Book a ticket
- Cancel a booking
- Save and exit Enter your choice: 7
System data saved. Goodbye!
Bonus Challenges (Optional):
- Implement a user authentication system with different privileges for admins and customers.
- Add a feature to generate reports (e.g., most popular movies, theater occupancy rates).
- Implement a simple recommendation system based on user booking history.
- Create a basic GUI using a library like Tkinter or PyQt.
Submission Instructions:
- Submit your Python script(s) with clear comments explaining your code.
- Include a brief README file explaining how to run your program and any dependencies required.
- If you've implemented any bonus challenges, describe them in your README.
Evaluation Criteria:
- Correct implementation of all required features
- Proper use of object-oriented programming principles
- Effective error handling and input validation
- Code organization, readability, and comments
- Proper file handling for data persistence
- Efficient algorithms for seat allocation and booking management
- Bonus points for implementing extra features or optimizations