svelte-youtube copied to clipboard
Exports error when using svelte-kit
When importing the package into a svelte-kit project, an error is thrown telling the export is undefined
This a known issure with vite (the bundler of svelte-kit) atm, when using cjs modules.
The described workaround does not work for this package.
Could you consider using a new bundler that exports es modules?
Maybe just using vite
would be a good option, since svelte is using it in future too.
I just created a repo to make the bundler work. Did not test any functionality though. Feel free to use it. ;)
EDIT: Sadly, I was not able to import the package from github, so bundling is still somehow messed up. For now I will use the component locally. Hope you do have more luck than me.
For everyone who needs a youtube player in the meantime. You can simply implement it yourself:
import { onMount } from "svelte";
import YoutubePlayer from "youtube-player";
export let videoId;
$: player && player.loadVideoById(videoId);
let player;
let options = {
playerVars: {
autoplay: 1,
onMount(() => {
player = YoutubePlayer(player, options);
<div id="youtube-player" class="w-full h-full" bind:this={player} />
@tw1t611 Such a simple and amazing answer. I tried various methods but this works the best. Thanks! :)