vue-admin-template copied to clipboard
npm install 会报错npm audit错误,会提示你有多少个漏洞需要结局,对应的包版本不应该低于多少等等问题。
up to date, audited 1797 packages in 11s
101 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
49 vulnerabilities (4 low, 12 moderate, 25 high, 8 critical)
To address issues that do not require attention, run:
npm audit fix
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
如果你正在本上诉问题困扰,并且和我一样是个新手的话,建议直接关闭npm的audit检查。这样可以保证npm的audit不会影响你的初始化项目的工作,但是该解决办法并不建议使用在实际生产中。 输入以下命令关闭npm audit检测
npm set audit false
good idea~😀
good,solved my problem thx!