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第一步npm install就无法通过

Open 2675569545 opened this issue 3 years ago • 10 comments

  各位大佬,我的是win10电脑,项目是刚刚从github下载的,在执行npm install发生了一些我找不到答案的问题。甚至还有一行乱码。我自己查询了一些资料,但是没有解决,我把我觉得有用的信息贴出来:我本地安装过vs2015,我尝试过npm install --global --production windows-build-tools再进行npm install。每次尝试都清空过node_modules和C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\npm-cache的文件夹。没有了办法,请教各位大佬。   错误信息如下:

F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master>npm install npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Chokidar 2 will break on node v14+. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x less dependencies. npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please see npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: this library is no longer supported npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: request-promise-native has been deprecated because it extends the now deprecated request package, see npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: use String.prototype.padStart() npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: fsevents 1 will break on node v14+ and could be using insecure binaries. Upgrade to fsevents 2. npm WARN deprecated @hapi/[email protected]: This version has been deprecated and is no longer supported or maintained npm WARN deprecated @hapi/[email protected]: This version has been deprecated and is no longer supported or maintained npm WARN deprecated @hapi/[email protected]: This version has been deprecated and is no longer supported or maintained npm WARN deprecated @hapi/[email protected]: This version has been deprecated and is no longer supported or maintained npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: request has been deprecated, see npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Chokidar 2 will break on node v14+. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x less dependencies. npm WARN deprecated @hapi/[email protected]: joi is leaving the @hapi organization and moving back to 'joi' ( npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: core-js@<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3. npm ERR! code 1 npm ERR! path F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\bufferutil npm ERR! command failed npm ERR! command C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! �ڴ˽��������һ������һ����Ŀ����Ҫ���ò������ɣ������ӡ�/m�����ء� npm ERR! bufferutil.c npm ERR! npm ERR! C:\Users\David.node-gyp\15.3.0\x64\node.lib : fatal error LNK1127: library is corrupt [F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\bufferutil\build\bufferutil.vcxproj] npm ERR! gyp info it worked if it ends with ok npm ERR! gyp info using [email protected] npm ERR! gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | x64 npm ERR! gyp info spawn F:\Python27\python.EXE npm ERR! gyp info spawn args [ npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\node-gyp\gyp\', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'binding.gyp', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-f', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'msvs', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-G', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'msvs_version=auto', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-I', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\bufferutil\build\config.gypi', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-I', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\node-gyp\addon.gypi', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-I', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'C:\Users\David\.node-gyp\15.3.0\include\node\common.gypi', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dlibrary=shared_library', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dvisibility=default', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dnode_root_dir=C:\Users\David\.node-gyp\15.3.0', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dnode_gyp_dir=F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\node-gyp', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dnode_lib_file=C:\Users\David\.node-gyp\15.3.0\<(target_arch)\node.lib', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dmodule_root_dir=F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\bufferutil', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Dnode_engine=v8', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '--depth=.', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '--no-parallel', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '--generator-output', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\bufferutil\build', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '-Goutput_dir=.' npm ERR! gyp info spawn args ] npm ERR! gyp info spawn C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\msbuild.exe npm ERR! gyp info spawn args [ npm ERR! gyp info spawn args 'build/binding.sln', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '/clp:Verbosity=minimal', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '/nologo', npm ERR! gyp info spawn args '/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64' npm ERR! gyp info spawn args ] npm ERR! gyp ERR! build error npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\msbuild.exe failed with exit code: 1 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\build.js:262:23) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:376:20) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:277:12) npm ERR! gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19041 npm ERR! gyp ERR! command "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" npm ERR! gyp ERR! cwd F:\Coding\VSCode\VueStudy1\vue-admin-template-master\node_modules\bufferutil npm ERR! gyp ERR! node -v v15.3.0 npm ERR! gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.8.0 npm ERR! gyp ERR! not ok

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2020-11-28T15_46_49_567Z-debug.log

2675569545 avatar Nov 28 '20 16:11 2675569545

也是win10,安装了vs2017,使用了nvm,也遇到npm install就报错的情况,我是这么处理的,供参考。

  1. 手动删除node_modules目录
  2. npm cache clear --force
  3. npm install

likwotsing avatar Dec 01 '20 09:12 likwotsing

也是win10,安装了vs2017,使用了nvm,也遇到npm install就报错的情况,我是这么处理的,供参考。

  1. 手动删除node_modules目录
  2. npm cache clear --force
  3. npm install


2675569545 avatar Dec 01 '20 10:12 2675569545

npm 设置阿里(最好使用cnpm),把git cmd文件夹配置到电脑环境变量,再install就可以了

caizhen0808 avatar Dec 10 '20 06:12 caizhen0808


Grey132 avatar Feb 24 '21 16:02 Grey132

大概率是源的问题。上面有解释,npm repo用国内的镜像。再就是如果本机装有python,可以把python删掉再试一下。

sc-yan avatar Mar 09 '21 02:03 sc-yan


62019 avatar Mar 31 '21 03:03 62019

国内因为网络的问题,npm intsall 很大几率会有失败的情况。很多人推荐使用taobao源,这是一种办法。还有就是直接用 yarn 来代替 npm 管理包。

Przeblysk avatar May 28 '21 01:05 Przeblysk

npm 设置阿里(最好使用cnpm),把git cmd文件夹配置到电脑环境变量,再install就可以了


markusriva avatar Aug 16 '21 01:08 markusriva

需要一对一的学习培训可以私聊我 微信号是xpyzwm

---原始邮件--- 发件人: @.> 发送时间: 2021年8月16日(周一) 上午9:08 收件人: @.>; 抄送: @.***>; 主题: Re: [PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template] 第一步npm install就无法通过 (#642)

npm 设置阿里(最好使用cnpm),把git cmd文件夹配置到电脑环境变量,再install就可以了


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wmhello avatar Aug 16 '21 01:08 wmhello

请看: 我这边解决了全部的依赖问题,以及和新版NodeJS不兼容的问题,你可以Clone我的仓库,然后解压“[backup]”替换node_modules文件夹

Tiper-In-Github avatar Apr 01 '23 18:04 Tiper-In-Github