bits_of_static_binary_analysis icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bits_of_static_binary_analysis copied to clipboard

Material and examples for a presentation on static binary analysis.

bits of static binary analysis

Material and examples used during a guest lecture I gave as part of the CSE545 class at ASU.

Slides available at: .

Recording is available on YouTube .


Sources are located under source/, and the binaries will be built in build/ using make.

program usage exploit
vex_and_cfg ./vex_and_cfg N/A
command_line_injection ./command_line_injection /tmp ./command_line_injection "/tmp; whoami"
buffer_overflow_strcpy ./buffer_overflow_strcpy AAA ./buffer_overflow_strcpy $(python -c 'print("a"*10)')

Scripts using angr are in examples/.

Note: I wrote a blog post to help write function handlers: Handle function calls during static analysis in angr .