Jeff Palmer
Jeff Palmer
See this sound font I am using stores its data in js files for each instrument. There are multiple "files" within a font. Here is a [piano]( It uses that...
Ok, it was not actually in C++, but in [native-bindings.js]( It works. Having a misunderstand & correcting is much preferred to having to write code!
Went to add Constant Source Node, but found it wasn't actually implemented by LabSound. Edited table above to reflect.
got it. Biquad filter coming before eod.
Back after a few days off. Only the Dynamics compressor is. I left off with the Biquad Filter erroring, see its commit for msg. Going to add Convolver today hopefully.
Ok, Delay node has also been added in addition to dynamics Compressor, Biquad filter, & convolver nodes. Both Delay & convolver have yet to be tried to run. The Biquad...
Alright, all the Nodes are there which LabSound supports, & ready for testing / review. So far, the Dynamics Compressor & Biquad filter have been run & settings to their...
Added a test file, which goes through all the Node types, does the create & sets all the values methods. It writes the results to the console. Here is what...
Did some more by adding a dynamics compressor into the test speech graft. The sample still played. More bad news however. If you push the playback to begin into the...
Their code sure has spots for it. This sort of goes with all the `Param` methods, which essentially set the `value` member in the future, except these never seem to...