PaddleSpeech icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PaddleSpeech copied to clipboard

[TTS]Windows10 CPU fastspeech2_mix_onnx_0.2.0遇到, input_feed=am_input_feed)时不报错,直接结束运行代码

Open biyuehuang opened this issue 8 months ago • 1 comments

环境:windows10 CPU Core i7

conda create -n audio python=3.9 libuv
conda activate audio
pip install paddlepaddle -i
pip install pytest-runner paddlespeech==1.4.1  或者 paddlespeech==1.4.0
pip install langid==1.1.6 zhconv==1.4.3 transformers==4.31.0 SpeechRecognition==3.10.0
pip install onnx==1.14.1
pip install accelerate sentencepiece protobuf py-cpuinfo
pip install scipy pyaudio wave soundfile
pip install numpy==1.23

模型下载: 参考代码来自:

在Windows CPU运行脚本test_tts_win.py如下:在, input_feed=am_input_feed)时不报错,直接结束运行脚本

def load_tts_model2(model_path, device):
    print("loading tts fastspeech2_mix---------") 
    t4 = time.time()
    cpu_threads = 4
    spk_id = 174

    #am = 'fastspeech2_mix'
    phones_dict= model_path + "fastspeech2_mix_onnx_0.2.0/phone_id_map.txt"   
    am_model_path = model_path + "fastspeech2_mix_onnx_0.2.0/fastspeech2_mix.onnx"   
    voc_model_path = model_path + "fastspeech2_mix_onnx_0.2.0/hifigan_csmsc.onnx"
    show_memory_info("before loading tts 1 ")

    tts_frontend = MixFrontend(phone_vocab_path=phones_dict)

    providers = ['CPUExecutionProvider']
    sess_options = ort.SessionOptions()
    sess_options.graph_optimization_level = ort.GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_ENABLE_ALL

    sess_options.execution_mode = ort.ExecutionMode.ORT_SEQUENTIAL
    sess_options.intra_op_num_threads = cpu_threads

    am_sess = ort.InferenceSession(am_model_path, providers=providers, sess_options=sess_options)

    voc_sess = ort.InferenceSession(voc_model_path, providers=providers, sess_options=sess_options)
    print("tts fastspeech2_mix load model done! Warmup start----")
    merge_sentences = True

    # frontend warmup
    # Loading model cost 0.5+ seconds
                "hello, thank you, thank you very much",
    print("tts fastspeech2_mix load model done! Warmup start  am warmup ----")
    ## am warmup
    spk_id = [spk_id]
    for T in [27, 38, 54]:
        am_input_feed = {}
        phone_ids = np.random.randint(1, 266, size=(T, ))
        am_input_feed.update({'text': phone_ids})
        am_input_feed.update({'spk_id': spk_id})
        print(" am warmup 1----"), input_feed=am_input_feed)    #### skip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        print(" am warmup 2----")
    print("tts fastspeech2_mix load model done! Warmup start  voc warmup ----")
    # voc warmup
    for T in [227, 308, 544]:
        data = np.random.rand(T, 80).astype("float32"), input_feed={"logmel": data})
    print("tts warm up done!")
    t5 = time.time()
    print("loading TTS fastspeech2_mix---------Done, cost time(s): ", t5-t4)

    print("loading TTS tacotron2-DDC---------")

load_tts_model2("./models/", "cpu")

biyuehuang avatar Oct 30 '23 10:10 biyuehuang