PaddleOCR copied to clipboard
Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and de...
Thanks for excellence repo. I have read the tutorial for table recognition, but in tutorial only provide the table recognition. I know if want to recognize table(OCR), you must detect...
support npu/xpu/mlu in ppocr
Optimize performance on NPU.
#### 问题描述 / Problem Description #### 运行环境 / Runtime Environment - OS: - Paddle: - PaddleOCR: 错误: self.character[text_id] IndexError: list index out of range [2024/06/18 18:30:31] ppocr INFO: list index...
#### 问题描述 / Problem Description When running PaddleOCR().ocr(), for pdf images, only 1 page is returned #### 运行环境 / Runtime Environment - Paddle: 2.6.1 - PaddleOCR: 2.7.3 - Python: 3.10...
Update japan_dict.txt to include missing jouyou kanji ( )
PaddleOCR release/2.6 SLANet 训练代码在 TableBoxEncode data transform 中对bbox做了归一化处理(相对于原图的尺寸) bboxes[:, 0::2] /= img_width bboxes[:, 1::2] /= img_height 后面在PaddingTableImage中对图片做了padding,导致实际训练时使用的 bbox 是相对于原图尺寸的归一化值,使用的图片是padding后的,两者存在不一致。
I am new to paddlepaddle. Pls help me to solve this error. System environment : ubuntu 20.04 python version : 3.8.18 Installed libraries using requirements.txt file in paddle repo The...
#### 问题描述 / Problem Description 对表格图片标注训练ser和re之后,用re进行预测报错  对re模型进行模型导出后预测又会出现如下的报错 ``` (paddlecpu) [root@hlwsjhjpt-018 /data/table/PaddleOCR/ppstructure]# python /data/table/PaddleOCR/ppstructure/kie/ --kie_algorithm=LayoutXLM --re_model_dir=../inference/re_vi_layoutxlm --ser_model_dir=../inference/ser_vi_layoutxlm --use_visual_backbone=False --image_dir=../test.png --ser_dict_path=../train_data/XFUND/class_list_xfun.txt --vis_font_path=../doc/fonts/simfang.ttf --ocr_order_method="tb-yx" [2024-06-19 17:51:57,971] [ INFO] - tokenizer config file...