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Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and de...
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem - 系统环境/System Environment: - 版本号/Version:Paddle: PaddleOCR: 问题相关组件/Related components: - 运行指令/Command Code: - 完整报错/Complete Error Message: 
当前在更新文档中可以看到: - PP-OCRv3速度可比情况下,中文场景效果相比于PP-OCRv2再提升5%,英文场景提升11%,80语种多语言模型平均识别准确率提升5%以上; - PP-OCRv2,CPU推理速度相比于PP-OCR server提升220%;效果相比于PP-OCR mobile 提升7%。 那ch_PP-OCRv3相比PP-OCR server,在中英文场景效果有没有提升呢?
 针对这种检查单做SER和RE的信息抽取和结构化,需要标注的数据量大概多少? 针对这种图片数据,百度这边用什么工具标注数据的?
Hi everyone, I have used a custom dataset (forms and documents) to finetune on chinese+english detection, using the following: config: ch_PP-OCRv3_det_student.yml pretrain_model: ./pretrain_models/ch_PP-OCRv3_det_distill_train/student Using pretrained model, the detected text in...
Hi Everyone, I'm training the ppocrv3 recognition for 9M images dataset with various fonts and augmentations. What I'm looking for is faster training and higher accuracy And my dataset images...
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem - 系统环境/System Environment:ubentu 18.04 - 版本号/Version:Paddle:2.3.2 gpu版本 PaddleOCR: 2.6 问题相关组件/Related components:ch_PP-OCRv3_det_student.yml - 运行指令/Command Code: 参考[此处]( 进行的复现 python3 tools/ -c configs/det/ch_PP-OCRv3/ch_PP-OCRv3_det_student.yml...
-it took me forever to launch 1 epoch when using rec_r34_vd_none_bilstm_ctc.yml and en_PP-OCRv3_rec.yml. -it always stuck at _During the training process, after the 0th iteration, an evaluation is run every...
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem - 系统环境/System Environment: - 版本号/Version:Paddle: PaddleOCR: 问题相关组件/Related components: - 运行指令/Command Code: - 完整报错/Complete Error Message:
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem - 系统环境/System Environment:**Windows x64** - 版本号/Version:Paddle: PaddleOCR:lite v2.10 ppocrv2 问题相关组件/Related components:无 - 运行指令/Command Code:见代码部分 - 完整报错/Complete Error Message:没有报错,输出为空 所以自己摸索在Windows上用lite运行ppocr,想着也许会快很多 但是对照着c的例子,模型直接没有输出结果。...
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem 下面是对应的config.yml: #rpc端口, rpc_port和http_port不允许同时为空。当rpc_port为空且http_port不为空时,会自动将rpc_port设置为http_port+1 rpc_port: 16004 #http端口, rpc_port和http_port不允许同时为空。当rpc_port可用且http_port为空时,不自动生成http_port http_port: 17004 #worker_num, 最大并发数。当build_dag_each_worker=True时, 框架会创建worker_num个进程,每个进程内构建grpcSever和DAG ##当build_dag_each_worker=False时,框架会设置主线程grpc线程池的max_workers=worker_num worker_num: 10 #build_dag_each_worker, False,框架在进程内创建一条DAG;True,框架会每个进程内创建多个独立的DAG build_dag_each_worker: False dag:...