PaddleOCR copied to clipboard
Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and de...
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem - 系统环境/System Environment: - 版本号/Version:Paddle: PaddleOCR: 问题相关组件/Related components: - 运行指令/Command Code: - 完整报错/Complete Error Message: [源文件]( ``` python if __name__...
各位大佬们好,有两个问题想请教: 1.使用config.set_model_from_file();传入模型路径,可以正常创建解释器。但是我如果把模型加密,再解密后使用config.set_model_from_buffer();则会在执行paddle::lite_api::CreatePaddlePredictor(config);时报错: > **_Paddle-Lite: [F 10/26 16:37:40. 52 .../model_parser/flatbuffers/program_desc.h:52 InitProgramDesc] Check failed: verifier.VerifyBuffer(nullptr): Program verification failed._** 请问是哪里出了问题呢? 2.基于ubuntu使用paddleLite,调用`config.set_model_from_file();paddle::lite_api::CreatePaddlePredictor(config);`时报错 **The model format cannot be recognized. Please make sure you use the...
数据集 ``` image/0001.jpg {"height": 308, "width": 470, "ocr_info": [{"text": "姓名", "label": "question", "bbox": [49, 58, 87, 74], "id": 0, "linking": ["0", "1"], "words": [{"box": [49.0, 58, 68.0, 74], "text": "姓"},...
目前PaddleOCR工程尚没有发布ser c++推理代码,不知何时能发布
Hi, I was thinking that instead of waiting for contributions of more languages it would be easier to just use the CLDR database to extract that data. Thanks.
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem - 系统环境/System Environment:Win10 - 版本号/Version:Paddle:2.3.2 PaddleOCR:2.6 - 问题相关组件/Related components: - 运行指令/Command Code: - 完整报错/Complete Error Message: 如题,按照印章弯曲文本检测md进行二阶段印章文字检测的效果不太理想,想要提升准确度和正确率,应该要考虑更改配置文件中的哪些参数呢?本人之前尝试了增加数据集和增加epoch,但是没有得到很好的效果,希望可以提供一些建议,谢谢。 附上部分识别结果图: 
paddleocr v3的rec的"训练模型"是仅做了初始化吗(只保存了模型结构?因为我在train的时候发现acc为0,在大概7个epoch达到0.5+,如果是已经在某些数据集上pretrained了话acc应该不会是0吧,但是“best_accuracy”的文件名又有点儿奇怪像是做了pretrained了一样
ERROR: Could not build wheels for lanms-neo, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects