- 系统环境/System Environment:win10
- Paddle:2.1.3.post112 PaddleOCR:2.6
- 运行指令e:python tools/train.py -c configs/table/SLANet_ch_custom.yml
- 完整报错/Complete Error Message:
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Architecture :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Backbone :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: name : PPLCNet
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: pretrained : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: scale : 1.0
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: use_ssld : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Head :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: hidden_size : 256
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: loc_reg_num : 8
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: max_text_length : 500
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: name : SLAHead
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Neck :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: name : CSPPAN
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: out_channels : 96
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: algorithm : SLANet
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: model_type : table
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Eval :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: dataset :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: data_dir : train_datas/table/B/
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: label_file_list : ['train_datas/table/B/annotation_val.json']
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: name : PubTabDataSet
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: transforms :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: DecodeImage :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: channel_first : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: img_mode : BGR
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: TableLabelEncode :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: learn_empty_box : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: loc_reg_num : 8
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: max_text_length : 500
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: merge_no_span_structure : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: replace_empty_cell_token : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: TableBoxEncode :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: in_box_format : xyxyxyxy
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: out_box_format : xyxyxyxy
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: ResizeTableImage :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: max_len : 488
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: NormalizeImage :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: mean : [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: order : hwc
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: scale : 1./255.
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: std : [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: PaddingTableImage :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: size : [488, 488]
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: ToCHWImage : None
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: KeepKeys :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: keep_keys : ['image', 'structure', 'bboxes', 'bbox_masks', 'shape']
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: loader :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: batch_size_per_card : 2
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: drop_last : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: num_workers : 1
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: shuffle : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Global :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: box_format : xyxyxyxy
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: cal_metric_during_train : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: character_dict_path : ppocr/utils/dict/table_structure_dict_ch.txt
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: character_type : en
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: checkpoints : None
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: distributed : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: epoch_num : 400
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: eval_batch_step : [0, 331]
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: infer_img : doc/table/table.jpg
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: infer_mode : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: log_smooth_window : 20
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: max_text_length : 500
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: pretrained_model : None
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: print_batch_step : 20
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: save_epoch_step : 400
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: save_inference_dir : ./output/SLANet_ch/infer
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: save_model_dir : ./output/SLANet_ch
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: save_res_path : output/infer
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: use_gpu : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: use_sync_bn : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: use_visualdl : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Loss :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: loc_loss : smooth_l1
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: loc_weight : 2.0
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: name : SLALoss
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: structure_weight : 1.0
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Metric :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: box_format : xyxyxyxy
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: compute_bbox_metric : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: del_thead_tbody : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: loc_reg_num : 8
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: main_indicator : acc
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: name : TableMetric
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Optimizer :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: beta1 : 0.9
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: beta2 : 0.999
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: clip_norm : 5.0
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: lr :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: learning_rate : 0.001
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: name : Adam
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: regularizer :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: factor : 0.0
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: name : L2
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: PostProcess :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: merge_no_span_structure : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: name : TableLabelDecode
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Train :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: dataset :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: data_dir : train_datas/table/B/
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: label_file_list : ['train_datas/table/B/annotation_train.json']
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: name : PubTabDataSet
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: transforms :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: DecodeImage :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: channel_first : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: img_mode : BGR
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: TableLabelEncode :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: learn_empty_box : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: loc_reg_num : 8
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: max_text_length : 500
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: merge_no_span_structure : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: replace_empty_cell_token : False
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: TableBoxEncode :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: in_box_format : xyxyxyxy
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: out_box_format : xyxyxyxy
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: ResizeTableImage :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: max_len : 488
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: NormalizeImage :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: mean : [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: order : hwc
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: scale : 1./255.
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: std : [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: PaddingTableImage :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: size : [488, 488]
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: ToCHWImage : None
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: KeepKeys :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: keep_keys : ['image', 'structure', 'bboxes', 'bbox_masks', 'shape']
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: loader :
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: batch_size_per_card : 9
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: drop_last : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: num_workers : 1
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: shuffle : True
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: profiler_options : None
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: train with paddle 2.1.3 and device CUDAPlace(0)
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Initialize indexs of datasets:['train_datas/table/B/annotation_train.json']
[2022/09/13 10:23:59] ppocr INFO: Initialize indexs of datasets:['train_datas/table/B/annotation_val.json']
W0913 10:24:00.077399 18296 device_context.cc:404] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 5.2, Driver API Version: 11.4, Runtime API Version: 11.2
W0913 10:24:04.441443 18296 device_context.cc:422] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.2.
[2022/09/13 10:26:47] ppocr INFO: convert_sync_batchnorm
[2022/09/13 10:26:47] ppocr INFO: train dataloader has 1 iters
[2022/09/13 10:26:47] ppocr INFO: valid dataloader has 1 iters
[2022/09/13 10:26:47] ppocr INFO: train from scratch
[2022/09/13 10:26:47] ppocr INFO: During the training process, after the 0th iteration, an evaluation is run every 331 iterations
[2022/09/13 10:27:07] ppocr ERROR: When parsing line {"filename": "3.png", "split": "train", "imgid": 2, "html": {"structure": {"tokens": ["
", "", "<td", " colspan="7"", ">", "", "
", "", "", " | ", "<td", " colspan="6"", ">", "", "
", "", "", " | ", "<td", " colspan="6"", ">", "", "
", "", "", " | ", "<td", " colspan="3"", ">", "", "<td", " colspan="3"", ">", "", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", "", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "", " | ", "
", ""]}, "cells": [{"tokens": ["保", "险", "责", "任"], "bbox": [16, 31, 95, 54]}, {"tokens": ["基", "本", "部", "分"], "bbox": [367, 31, 442, 56]}, {"tokens": ["风", "险", "等", "级"], "bbox": [15, 57, 93, 80]}, {"tokens": ["非", "标", "准", "体", "B"], "bbox": [363, 57, 447, 80]}, {"tokens": ["男", "性"], "bbox": [232, 77, 277, 110]}, {"tokens": ["性", "别"], "bbox": [31, 80, 79, 105]}, {"tokens": ["女", "性"], "bbox": [533, 77, 579, 110]}, {"tokens": ["交", "费", "期", "间"], "bbox": [16, 103, 100, 132]}, {"tokens": ["1", "0", "年", "交"], "bbox": [123, 115, 183, 144]}, {"tokens": ["2", "0", "年", "交"], "bbox": [223, 115, 283, 144]}, {"tokens": ["3", "0", "年", "交"], "bbox": [326, 118, 385, 143]}, {"tokens": ["1", "0", "年", "交"], "bbox": [425, 118, 484, 143]}, {"tokens": ["2", "0", "年", "交"], "bbox": [525, 115, 587, 144]}, {"tokens": ["3", "0", "年", "交"], "bbox": [627, 118, 686, 143]}, {"tokens": ["2", "0", "1"], "bbox": [133, 151, 170, 177]}, {"tokens": ["1", "1", "3"], "bbox": [236, 151, 272, 177]}, {"tokens": ["1", "8", "8"], "bbox": [437, 151, 475, 177]}, {"tokens": ["0"], "bbox": [41, 152, 62, 175]}, {"tokens": ["8", "5"], "bbox": [340, 152, 368, 175]}, {"tokens": ["1", "0", "6"], "bbox": [538, 151, 574, 177]}, {"tokens": ["8", "0"], "bbox": [645, 152, 671, 175]}, {"tokens": ["1"], "bbox": [37, 174, 65, 203]}, {"tokens": ["1", "9", "4"], "bbox": [439, 177, 473, 203]}, {"tokens": ["2", "0", "7"], "bbox": [136, 179, 170, 202]}, {"tokens": ["1", "1", "6"], "bbox": [237, 179, 272, 202]}, {"tokens": ["8", "8"], "bbox": [342, 179, 368, 202]}, {"tokens": ["1", "0", "9"], "bbox": [540, 179, 574, 202]}, {"tokens": ["8", "2"], "bbox": [641, 175, 671, 203]}, {"tokens": ["9", "1"], "bbox": [334, 197, 371, 233]}, {"tokens": ["2"], "bbox": [43, 202, 62, 226]}, {"tokens": ["2", "1", "3"], "bbox": [134, 202, 170, 228]}, {"tokens": ["1", "2", "0"], "bbox": [236, 202, 272, 228]}, {"tokens": ["2", "0", "0"], "bbox": [437, 202, 473, 228]}, {"tokens": ["1", "1", "2"], "bbox": [537, 202, 574, 228]}, {"tokens": ["8", "5"], "bbox": [641, 200, 671, 230]}, {"tokens": ["1", "2", "4"], "bbox": [233, 224, 273, 257]}, {"tokens": ["2", "2", "0"], "bbox": [134, 226, 170, 252]}, {"tokens": ["2", "0", "6"], "bbox": [433, 223, 474, 255]}, {"tokens": ["1", "1", "6"], "bbox": [538, 226, 574, 254]}, {"tokens": ["3"], "bbox": [43, 228, 62, 251]}, {"tokens": ["9", "4"], "bbox": [342, 228, 367, 252]}, {"tokens": ["8", "8"], "bbox": [641, 226, 671, 254]}, {"tokens": ["9", "7"], "bbox": [340, 251, 368, 280]}, {"tokens": ["4"], "bbox": [41, 252, 61, 279]}, {"tokens": ["2", "2", "7"], "bbox": [134, 252, 170, 279]}, {"tokens": ["1", "2", "8"], "bbox": [236, 252, 270, 279]}, {"tokens": ["2", "1", "3"], "bbox": [435, 252, 473, 279]}, {"tokens": ["1", "2", "0"], "bbox": [538, 252, 574, 279]}, {"tokens": ["9", "1"], "bbox": [641, 251, 671, 280]}, {"tokens": ["1", "3", "2"], "bbox": [236, 275, 270, 303]}, {"tokens": ["1", "0", "0"], "bbox": [337, 275, 371, 303]}, {"tokens": ["2", "2", "0"], "bbox": [435, 275, 473, 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1208, 270, 1235]}, {"tokens": ["6", "9", "8"], "bbox": [437, 1208, 473, 1235]}, {"tokens": ["4", "1", "8"], "bbox": [537, 1208, 574, 1236]}, {"tokens": ["4", "3"], "bbox": [38, 1233, 67, 1261]}, {"tokens": ["7", "8", "3"], "bbox": [134, 1233, 170, 1259]}, {"tokens": ["4", "7", "7"], "bbox": [234, 1233, 270, 1259]}, {"tokens": ["7", "1", "6"], "bbox": [437, 1233, 473, 1259]}, {"tokens": ["4", "3", "0"], "bbox": [537, 1233, 574, 1259]}, {"tokens": ["8", "0", "8"], "bbox": [133, 1259, 172, 1284]}, {"tokens": ["4", "9", "5"], "bbox": [234, 1259, 272, 1285]}, {"tokens": ["4", "4"], "bbox": [39, 1261, 65, 1284]}, {"tokens": ["7", "3", "4"], "bbox": [439, 1261, 473, 1284]}, {"tokens": ["4", "4", "2"], "bbox": [537, 1259, 574, 1285]}, {"tokens": ["8", "3", "3"], "bbox": [133, 1284, 172, 1310]}, {"tokens": ["5", "1", "4"], "bbox": [234, 1284, 272, 1310]}, {"tokens": ["7", "5", "2"], "bbox": [437, 1284, 473, 1310]}, {"tokens": ["4", "5"], "bbox": [39, 1285, 65, 1308]}, {"tokens": ["4", "5", "4"], "bbox": [537, 1284, 574, 1310]}, {"tokens": ["4", "6"], "bbox": [39, 1310, 65, 1333]}, {"tokens": ["5", "3", "4"], "bbox": [234, 1310, 272, 1336]}, {"tokens": ["7", "7", "0"], "bbox": [437, 1310, 475, 1335]}, {"tokens": ["8", "6", "0"], "bbox": [136, 1312, 170, 1335]}, {"tokens": ["4", "6", "7"], "bbox": [537, 1310, 574, 1336]}, {"tokens": ["8", "8", "7"], "bbox": [134, 1335, 170, 1361]}, {"tokens": ["5", "5", "5"], "bbox": [233, 1332, 273, 1363]}, {"tokens": ["7", "8", "8"], "bbox": [437, 1335, 473, 1361]}, {"tokens": ["4", "7"], "bbox": [41, 1336, 65, 1359]}, {"tokens": ["4", "7", "9"], "bbox": [537, 1335, 574, 1361]}, {"tokens": ["4", "8"], "bbox": [39, 1362, 65, 1385]}, {"tokens": ["9", "1", "4"], "bbox": [136, 1362, 170, 1385]}, {"tokens": ["8", "0", "7"], "bbox": [439, 1362, 473, 1385]}, {"tokens": ["4", "9", "3"], "bbox": [537, 1361, 574, 1387]}, {"tokens": ["9", "4", "3"], "bbox": [134, 1385, 172, 1410]}, {"tokens": ["8", "2", "7"], "bbox": [437, 1385, 473, 1412]}, {"tokens": ["4", "9"], "bbox": [39, 1387, 65, 1410]}, {"tokens": ["5", "0", "7"], "bbox": [537, 1385, 573, 1412]}, {"tokens": ["9", "7", "3"], "bbox": [134, 1410, 172, 1436]}, {"tokens": ["5", "0"], "bbox": [39, 1412, 65, 1435]}, {"tokens": ["8", "4", "7"], "bbox": [439, 1413, 473, 1436]}, {"tokens": ["5", "2", "2"], "bbox": [537, 1410, 574, 1436]}, {"tokens": ["5", "1"], "bbox": [38, 1433, 65, 1463]}, {"tokens": ["1", "0", "0", "3"], "bbox": [133, 1436, 175, 1461]}, {"tokens": ["8", "6", "9"], "bbox": [437, 1435, 473, 1461]}, {"tokens": ["5", "2"], "bbox": [38, 1459, 67, 1487]}, {"tokens": ["1", "0", "3", "5"], "bbox": [130, 1459, 178, 1489]}, {"tokens": ["8", "9", "1"], "bbox": [435, 1461, 473, 1487]}, {"tokens": ["5", "3"], "bbox": [41, 1487, 65, 1512]}, {"tokens": ["1", "0", "6", "7"], "bbox": [133, 1487, 175, 1512]}, {"tokens": ["9", "1", "4"], "bbox": [435, 1485, 473, 1513]}, {"tokens": ["5", "4"], "bbox": [38, 1510, 67, 1538]}, {"tokens": ["9", "3", "8"], "bbox": [435, 1512, 473, 1538]}, {"tokens": ["5", "5"], "bbox": [38, 1535, 67, 1563]}, {"tokens": ["9", "6", "4"], "bbox": [435, 1536, 473, 1563]}, {"tokens": ["人", "保", "寿", "险", "i", "无", "忧", "尊", "享", "重", "大", "疾", "病", "保", "险", "(", "B", "款", ")", "(", "互", "联", "网", "专", "属", ")", "(", "每", , error happened with msg: Traceback (most recent call last):: [15, 6, 687, 28]}]}}
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 100, in
info = json.loads(data_line)
File "D:\Python38\lib\json_
init_.py", line 357, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File "D:\Python38\lib\json\decoder.py", line 337, in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
File "D:\Python38\lib\json\decoder.py", line 353, in raw_decode
obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while decoding a JSON array from a unicode string
Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow.
Python runtime state: initialized
Current thread 0x00001eb0 (most recent call first):
File "D:\Python38\lib\json\decoder.py", line 353 in raw_decode
File "D:\Python38\lib\json\decoder.py", line 337 in decode
File "D:\Python38\lib\json_init_.py", line 357 in loads
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 100 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\ppocr\data\pubtab_dataset.py", line 129 in getitem
Thread 0x00004778 (most recent call first):
File "D:\Python38\lib\site-packages\paddle\fluid\dataloader\dataloader_iter.py", line 197 in next
File "E:\wxg_project\100bao\lab\PaddleOCR-2.6\tools\program.py", line 271 in train
File "tools/train.py", line 175 in main
File "tools/train.py", line 202 in