PaddleOCR copied to clipboard
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem
- 系统环境/System Environment:paddlepaddle-gpu 2.3.2.post112
- 版本号/Version:Paddle: PaddleOCR: 问题相关组件/Related components:paddleocr2.7
- 运行指令/Command Code:python -m paddle.distributed.launch --log_dir=./debug --gpus '0,1,3,4' tools/ -c configs/rec/PP-OCRv4/ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_distill.yml
- 完整报错/Complete Error Message:INFO 2023-08-11 10:10:52,331] details about PADDLE_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS can be found in ./debug/centerloss/endpoints.log, and detail running logs maybe found in ./debug/centerloss/workerlog.0
INFO 2023-08-11 10:10:52,331] details about PADDLE_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS can be found in ./debug/centerloss/endpoints.log, and detail running logs maybe found in ./debug/centerloss/workerlog.0
launch proc_id:22211 idx:0
launch proc_id:22216 idx:1
launch proc_id:22221 idx:2
launch proc_id:22229 idx:3
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Architecture :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Models :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Student :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Backbone :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : PPLCNetV3
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: scale : 0.95
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Head :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: head_list :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: CTCHead :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Head :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: fc_decay : 1e-05
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Neck :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: depth : 2
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: dims : 120
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: hidden_dims : 120
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: kernel_size : [1, 3]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : svtr
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: use_guide : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: NRTRHead :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: max_text_length : 25
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: nrtr_dim : 384
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : MultiHead
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Transform : None
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: algorithm : SVTR
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: freeze_params : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: model_type : rec
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: pretrained : None
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: return_all_feats : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Teacher :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Backbone :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: depth : [3, 6, 3]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: embed_dim : [64, 128, 256]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: img_size : [48, 320]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: last_stage : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: local_mixer : [[5, 5], [5, 5], [5, 5]]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: mixer : ['Conv', 'Conv', 'Conv', 'Conv', 'Conv', 'Conv', 'Global', 'Global', 'Global', 'Global', 'Global', 'Global']
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : SVTRNet
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: num_heads : [2, 4, 8]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: out_channels : 192
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: out_char_num : 40
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: patch_merging : Conv
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: prenorm : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Head :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: head_list :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: CTCHead :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Head :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: fc_decay : 1e-05
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Neck :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: depth : 2
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: dims : 120
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: hidden_dims : 120
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: kernel_size : [1, 3]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : svtr
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: use_guide : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: NRTRHead :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: max_text_length : 25
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: nrtr_dim : 384
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : MultiHead
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Transform : None
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: algorithm : SVTR
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: freeze_params : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: model_type : rec
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: pretrained : None
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: return_all_feats : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: algorithm : Distillation
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: model_type : rec
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : DistillationModel
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Eval :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: dataset :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: data_dir : ./train_data
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: label_file_list : ['/home/qintao/ocr_data/real_data/new_label_test.txt']
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : SimpleDataSet
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: transforms :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: DecodeImage :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: channel_first : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: img_mode : BGR
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: MultiLabelEncode :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: gtc_encode : NRTRLabelEncode
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: RecResizeImg :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: image_shape : [3, 48, 320]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: KeepKeys :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: keep_keys : ['image', 'label_ctc', 'label_gtc', 'length', 'valid_ratio']
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: loader :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: batch_size_per_card : 128
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: drop_last : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: num_workers : 4
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: shuffle : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Global :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: cal_metric_during_train : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: character_dict_path : ppocr/utils/ppocr_keys_v1.txt
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: checkpoints : ./pretrain_model/ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_train/student.pdparams
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: debug : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: distributed : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: epoch_num : 200
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: eval_batch_step : [0, 2000]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: infer_img : doc/imgs_words/ch/word_1.jpg
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: infer_mode : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: log_smooth_window : 20
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: max_text_length : 25
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: pretrained_model : None
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: print_batch_step : 10
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: save_epoch_step : 40
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: save_inference_dir : None
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: save_model_dir : ./output/rec_dkd_400w_svtr_ctc_lcnet_blank_dkd0.1/
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: save_res_path : ./output/rec/predicts_ppocrv3.txt
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: use_gpu : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: use_space_char : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: use_visualdl : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Loss :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: loss_config_list :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: DistillationDKDLoss :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: alpha : 1.0
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: beta : 2.0
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: dis_head : gtc
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: key : head_out
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: model_name_pairs : [['Student', 'Teacher']]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: multi_head : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : dkd
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: weight : 0.1
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: DistillationCTCLoss :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: key : head_out
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: model_name_list : ['Student']
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: multi_head : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: weight : 1.0
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: DistillationNRTRLoss :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: key : head_out
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: model_name_list : ['Student']
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: multi_head : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: smoothing : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: weight : 1.0
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: DistillCTCLogits :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: key : head_out
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: model_name_pairs : [['Student', 'Teacher']]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: reduction : mean
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: weight : 1.0
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : CombinedLoss
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Metric :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: base_metric_name : RecMetric
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: ignore_space : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: key : Student
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: main_indicator : acc
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : DistillationMetric
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Optimizer :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: beta1 : 0.9
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: beta2 : 0.999
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: lr :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: learning_rate : 0.0005
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : Cosine
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: warmup_epoch : 2
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : Adam
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: regularizer :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: factor : 3e-05
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : L2
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: PostProcess :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: key : head_out
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: model_name : ['Student']
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: multi_head : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : DistillationCTCLabelDecode
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: Train :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: dataset :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: data_dir : ./train_data/
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: label_file_list : ['/home/qintao/ocr_data/real_data/new_label_train.txt', '/home/qintao/ocr_data/RecData2/new_labels_gen.txt', '/home/qintao/ocr_data/RecData2/hor_white/image_labels.txt']
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: name : SimpleDataSet
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: ratio_list : [1.0, 0.1, 1.0]
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: transforms :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: DecodeImage :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: channel_first : False
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: img_mode : BGR
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: RecAug : None
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: MultiLabelEncode :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: gtc_encode : NRTRLabelEncode
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: KeepKeys :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: keep_keys : ['image', 'label_ctc', 'label_gtc', 'length', 'valid_ratio']
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: loader :
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: batch_size_per_card : 128
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: drop_last : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: num_workers : 4
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: shuffle : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: use_shared_memory : True
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: profiler_options : None
[2023/08/11 10:10:54] ppocr INFO: train with paddle 2.3.2 and device Place(gpu:0)
I0811 10:10:54.980728 22211] init nccl context nranks: 4 local rank: 0 gpu id: 0 ring id: 0
W0811 10:10:56.348552 22211] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 8.6, Driver API Version: 11.2, Runtime API Version: 11.2
W0811 10:10:56.353502 22211] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.1.
[2023/08/11 10:10:57] ppocr INFO: Initialize indexs of datasets:['/home/qintao/ocr_data/real_data/new_label_train.txt', '/home/qintao/ocr_data/RecData2/new_labels_gen.txt', '/home/qintao/ocr_data/RecData2/hor_white/image_labels.txt']
list index out of range
[2023/08/11 10:10:59] ppocr INFO: Initialize indexs of datasets:['/home/qintao/ocr_data/real_data/new_label_test.txt']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tools/", line 227, in
main(config, device, logger, vdl_writer) File "tools/", line 135, in main model = build_model(config['Architecture']) File "/home/qintao/PaddleOCRV4/ppocr/modeling/architectures/", line 34, in build_model arch = getattr(mod, name)(config) File "/home/qintao/PaddleOCRV4/ppocr/modeling/architectures/", line 47, in init model = BaseModel(model_config) File "/home/qintao/PaddleOCRV4/ppocr/modeling/architectures/", line 76, in init self.head = build_head(config["Head"]) File "/home/qintao/PaddleOCRV4/ppocr/modeling/heads/", line 71, in build_head module_class = eval(module_name)(**config) File "/home/qintao/PaddleOCRV4/ppocr/modeling/heads/", line 74, in init out_channels=out_channels_list['NRTRLabelDecode']) KeyError: 'NRTRLabelDecode' 使用代码中的配置文件只修改了数据集配置和最大字符长度,出现这种错误,调试的时候也发现报错的这个配置选项