PaddleDetection copied to clipboard
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Bug组件 Bug Component
No response
Bug描述 Describe the Bug
gen_res: write file in output/mtmct_result.txt
camera_ids: dict_keys([4])
seqs: ['c003', 'c004']
len(camera_ids): 1
len(seqs): 2
4 32 1 1217 75 31 69 -1 -1
4 6 1 1055 74 34 69 -1 -1
4 15 1 616 327 158 129 -1 -1
4 2 1 570 241 109 136 -1 -1
4 16 1 796 206 74 61 -1 -1
4 8 1 1373 84 28 64 -1 -1
4 5 1 923 182 24 24 -1 -1
4 29 1 1117 214 74 56 -1 -1
4 9 1 827 187 32 21 -1 -1
4 32 2 1217 75 31 69 -1 -1
4 6 2 1055 74 34 69 -1 -1
4 15 2 635 328 165 138 -1 -1
4 2 2 576 239 103 136 -1 -1
4 8 2 1373 84 30 64 -1 -1
4 9 2 825 187 36 24 -1 -1
4 32 3 1217 75 31 69 -1 -1
4 6 3 1055 74 34 69 -1 -1
4 15 3 643 330 166 140 -1 -1
4 2 3 579 239 99 134 -1 -1
4 8 3 1373 84 30 64 -1 -1
4 9 3 827 192 28 19 -1 -1
4 26 3 668 291 142 80 -1 -1
4 28 3 1372 382 410 214 -1 -1
4 7 3 396 192 219 296 -1 -1
复现环境 Environment
OS:Ubuntu 20.04 paddlepaddle:2.6.1 pandledetection:release/2.5 conda:11.7 cudnn:8.4.1
command: python deploy/pptracking/python/ --model_dir=output_inference/ppyolov2_r50vd_dcn_365e_aic21mtmct_vehicle/ --reid_model_dir=output_inference/deepsort_pplcnet_vehicle/ --mtmct_dir=./mtmct-demo --device=GPU --mtmct_cfg=deploy/pptracking/python/mtmct_cfg.yml --threshold=0.5 --save_mot_txts --save_images --tracker_config=deploy/pptracking/python/tracker_config.yml
Bug描述确认 Bug description confirmation
- [X] 我确认已经提供了Bug复现步骤、代码改动说明、以及环境信息,确认问题是可以复现的。I confirm that the bug replication steps, code change instructions, and environment information have been provided, and the problem can be reproduced.
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