Pablo Reszczynski
Pablo Reszczynski
I imagine something like this could be done: ``` (defn ring-client-transport [url & [options]] ... (merge {:as :stream :cookies @session-cookies} (if (:auth options) {:basic-auth [(-> options :auth :user) (-> options...
I'm having some issues. A quick try in my terminal gives this error: ``` lein repl :connect http://user:pass@localhost:8080/repl Could not locate cemerick/drawbridge/client__init.class or cemerick/drawbridge/client.clj on classpath. ``` I know...
This is the error now: ``` java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No nREPL support known for scheme http, url http:// user:pass@localhost:8080/repl ``` This is with both lein and requiring nrepl 0.5.0
2.8.1 but the problem persist when using CIDER
Hi! I'd like to tackle this issue! Do you have an example of an use case of this?
I'd like to tackle this issue! Where should I start?
Having made a simple replace command that only work with strings, I am unsure how to proceed, syntax wise, to allow regex patterns and functions (as the `clojure.string/replace` API allows).
Is there a way I can unit test the high level command API? Just to see if running "replace foobar foo bar" works as expected and without using directly `replace-cmd`.
That would be very nice! Either way I'll be committing the first version of the command soon on my fork so you can take a look at it.
Looks great! I have a question regarding the intended API of `replace`. As for now it works as a simple search and replace function, but `clojure.string/replace` also allows to match...