weblink icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
weblink copied to clipboard

Results 6 weblink issues
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Hi I see great future for the weblink project, and trying to grasp it. I am used to a pattern in express js that if I do not have the...

I'm trying to host a super simple html page: ``` Hello ``` The image is always broken, and the page doesnt stop loading.. but if i open the image link...

I had a need for cors, so I tried to add options and cors please forgive the coding style, I know it might not be ready for commit, I created...

this could be easily reoslved by approching expressjs and moving the unmodified path to url, whereas path sould contain only the path I've fixed it in my copy https://github.com/neimanpinchas/weblink/ I...

I found a few diverts from node express, I wonder what was the design desicion, maybe this issue could be a place to discuss their need and usage. While working...

My current usage of hashlink is like this ``` var app = new weblink.Weblink(); app.get("/",(req,res)->res.send("OK")); app.listen(799, false); var t=new Timer(60_000); t.run=function() { trace("dummy function to keep thread alive"); } ```...