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A little confused about how to configure the integration
I believe I have the integration configured and authenticated as my O365 calendars events are showing up in the Home Assistant Calendar section.
But I'm not getting any email sensors and I'm not sure if I've configured it correctly. It's not clear in the documentation how emails sensors will appear as entity IDs. My config is:
client_secret: !secret o365_client_secret client_id: !secret o365_application_id query_sensors:
- name: "Package Delivering" folder: "Inbox" from: "[email protected]" subject_contains: "is on the way!" #has_attachment: True #max_items: 2 #is_unread: True
- name: "Package Delivered" folder: "Inbox" from: "[email protected]" subject_contains: "has been delivered!"
But I don't see any sensors resembling the name I've given the query sensor. What entityID will the query sensors be given in this case?
To add to this looking through the HASS logs I see these errors when trying to query my mailbox for the query sensors:
2020-09-19 11:01:37 ERROR (SyncWorker_13) [O365.connection] Client Error: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/mailFolders/AQMkADIyADE3YTFiNC1hMDliLTQ4NDYtOWEzNi02YWI2YjNiZjNiZTUALgAAA4BRbJ8zkGBNvy0ODV0H0TgBAHICqaHdqEBOgxtZ10GOmkwAAAIBDAAAAA==/messages?%24top=5&%24filter=contains%28subject%2C+%27is+on+the+way%21%27%29+and+from%2FemailAddress%2Faddress+eq+%27noreply%40intelcomexpress.com%27&%24orderby=receivedDateTime+desc | Error Message: The restriction or sort order is too complex for this operation.
Again, calendars show up so the authentication looks good. But there's some kind of problem with the query sensors.