
Results 106 comments of PSeitz

> @PSeitz Yes, I came to this design while trying to reimplement it with traits. I was slightly confused by using serde_json::Value as value for segment attribute, not sure if...

> Ok but still have questions. Is global registry ok? It will bind a set of available attributes to the compiled version of application. In the approach implemented here indices...

`len()` will probably be an issue with regards to backwards compatibility. If we don't use `FastValue` (or FastValueU128 for u128), we can't convert the type to u64, on which the...

We could use a custom parser in the browser Parsing is probably much slower though.

> @PSeitz yeah but other users will suffer right? Yes, every browser UI would need to have some solution for that or may run into the same issue.

I use two plugins, but I think this is about the `buffers` setting in combinations with nvims `mksession` command. So it restores the buffer with the terminal, but `nvim-terminal` creates...

For me it worked, and then stopped working with the same error

This will cause a small regression on some aggregations, due to the higher complexity of `Option` handling ``` Option test aggregation::tests::bench::bench_aggregation_average_f64 ... bench: 8,031,760 ns/iter (+/- 559,795) test aggregation::tests::bench::bench_aggregation_average_u64 ......

link-arg did not work for me, but using the libelfin fork ``` coz_async git:(master) ✗ RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-gdwarf-3' cargo build --release Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s ➜ coz_async...

I could do some work on the HTML frontend and the Backend with go. However I couldn't yet figure out how to run the HTML frontend