PS Narayanan

Results 32 comments of PS Narayanan

@Fankaren @nikhil0162 Please make sure you are running the gotor service before running the torBot

### Metadata extractor _Extract webpage metadata like keywords, title, description etc., in order to analyse the site in the future._ ### Image grabber _An image grabber could grab images from...

Ok. I will edit my comment and add the details there itself.

@shashwat1002 Great! You can start working on it.

@Yet-Zio Thank you for the idea. Actually it's true. Are you interested in working on this?

Great! That will do it. > On 30-Dec-2018, at 12:10 PM, Yet-Zio wrote: > > Yes I'm interested in this project but I'm currently working on a personal project at...

@abhi-r3v0 Should we integrate [android-reverse-r]( with Adhrit? It looks perfect.

Try this manually `pip install cement==2.10.2` or `pip3 install cement==2.10.2` (if you are using pip3 for python3)

@amrudesh1 You can fix it and give a pull request. :)

> Running `bundle add webrick && bundle exec jekyll serve` still leaves me with a `bundler: failed to load command: jekyll`... My Gemfile reads > > ``` > source ''...