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Projeto Login Cidadão
Passos para reproduzir: - Realize login - Vai redirecionar para a pagina 1 (primeiro print) - Nao importa o link que clico ele redireciona para a mesma pagina mas com...
Every time I log into the system my email and phone are being changed without my consent and with no warning whatsoever. # Steps to reproduce: 1. Log in normally...
Precisava conversar com você sobre o Login-cidadao.
{"error":"invalid_client_metadata","error_description":"Invalid value for ''='Array': Este formul\u00e1rio n\u00e3o deve conter campos adicionais."}
**New Features**: - PROCERGS#699: Added new tech support interface; - PROCERGS#830: Added new fraud detection using phone numbers as a correlation method.
Implement a "block-list" to allow banning certain Phone Numbers due to previous abuses. It could allow two modes: 1. Manually adding the phone number 2. Automatically detecting when enough users...
When deauthorizing a Client involved in a Remote Claim, the Remote Claim authorization is not revoked as it should.