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Artifacts on bezier lathe object.
Artifacts appear near the center of the bezier lathe object sturm or not. With some severe rotations away from the camera result OK.
Originally reported in the newsgroups at:
and we suspect, but have not proved, the issue is similar to that still seen and documented in the sphere_sweep issue #147.
Demonstrated with all 3.8 versions from first in early July through current at v3.8.0-alpha.9322209 as well as a couple earlier 3.7.1 versions. Both windows and linux environments.
Steps to Reproduce
Ubuntu linux command 'povray vlathe.pov +D +P'
Render Settings
3.8.0 as shipped Defaults.
#version 3.8;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }
camera {
right x*(image_width/image_height)
location <0, 0, -10>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
angle 35
light_source { <-5, 20, -10>, color rgb 1 }
light_source { <5, 20, -10>, color rgb 1 }
// Vuvuzela, with mouthpiece around <2, 0, 0>, flare around <-2, 0, 0>,
// and max diameter around 1.
#declare Vuvuzela = lathe {
// mouthpiece
<0.001, 0.2>, <0.001, 0.2>, <0.06, 0.11>, <0.06, 0.1>,
<0.06, 0.1>, <0.06, 0.09>, <0.07, 0.09>, <0.07, 0.1>,
<0.07, 0.1>, <0.07, 0.15>, <0.05, 0.19>, <0.04, 0.2>,
// rest of the vuvuzela
<0.04, 0.2>, <0.04125, 0.6>, <0.1, 3.5>, <0.5, 3.9>,
<0.5, 3.9>, <0.51, 3.91>, <0.51, 3.92>, <0.5, 3.92>,
<0.5, 3.92>, <0.49, 3.92>, <0.1, 3.8>, <0.001, 3.8>
//rotate 33*x // OK if camera rays not near parallel to surface normal
translate -2*y
object { Vuvuzela pigment { color rgb <1, 0, 0> } }
If camera can be set up such that camera rays not 'axis-aligned' with surface's normal. High Anti-Alias settings 'can' help - if AA rays mostly less axis-aligned to the surface normal. Rendering larger image - perhaps using AA - and scaling the image down might help too.
Suggested Solution / Partial Solutions.
Likely some adjustment or fix to the polynomial solver - or a reformulation of the input polynomial - is needed for a full solution. See issue #147 plus links to newsgroup discussions from that issue for more.
Given we are working with a lathe, perhaps some cheat can be used that takes advantage of the constrained solution space.
Applying I think to both #147 and this issue, there is a performance related suggestion made by Simon to better initially bound the potential solution space for the solver buried within issue #236. I tested this idea while working with #147 and it both helped performance and accuracy. Not that I'm any expert, but many books on numerical solutions - "Numerical Recipes in C" for example - suggest polynomial solvers start with the best initial bounds for the expected solution as possible. We don't. Our solver always runs from camera origin to MAX_DISTANCE despite having bounding box information for the expected result(1). With this lathe example, when I hard code a max distance value of 10 in polysolve() the artifacts are not eliminated, but they are reduced(2).
(1) - Thinking an exact max distance from each ray->bbox is likely not an option performance wise, but perhaps a better estimate than MAX_DISTANCE passed into the solver is possible? Maybe something like a parse / bbox calculation time calculated maximum distance given all bboxes and the camera location?
(2) - This also hints - as when working on #147 - that our solver is capable of better solutions. Today the solver code has a couple accuracy controls combined and hard coded. Bringing these controls out through the SDL for 'problematic' solutions like the lathe example in sturm-ish kind of way might be an option too. As with sturm, there would be a performance cost for the better accuracy. We'd be left with the fundamental issue for rays almost exactly axis-aligned to the surface normal no matter - into fundamental solver work or reformulation of the input polynomial and work beyond my capabilities at present.
Is this a regression from v3.7.0?
Not sure what you mean by your question?
I ran 3.7.0 and 3.6.1 just now and the same artifacts appear - supposing you were asking whether this example has issues in older releases.
FYI. I now have a branch which fixes this issue at:
I have still to run down some unrelated solver accuracy issues so I'm not creating a pull request as yet.