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Port of FS246 - Regression on scale limit between 3.7 and previous releases
(Ported on the chance some change in behavior might be considered, but I think closing OK.
Confirmed behavior remains unchanged as of today. All older POV-Ray source I have on hand has the "Max_Distance" or "MAX_DISTANCE" at 1e7 though evidence in comments suggests it was for a time at 1e10 aligning with Chris's comment it was. Perhaps it being larger for a time is why a previous scene of Thomas's appeared to stop working. I did a test changing the value, now in source/core/configcore.h, to 1e8 and the example (at scale 100*10e4) works.
Also suspect the scale encoding might be part of the tangle here. Thomas stated "I seem to remember that with lower versions of POV-Ray on could go at least to 10e6 which is another way to write 1e7 and 1e7-1e-9 is the last value which has "always worked.")
From Thomas de Groot
Using the following code for a (sky) sphere in a scene, with light source well outside the sphere; works correctly until the above scale value. Use a value of >=100*10e4 and the sphere becomes black
#version 3.7;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#declare T_sky =
texture {
pigment {
gradient y
pigment_map {
[0.0 srgb <1.0,0.7,0.6>*1 transmit 0.5]
[1.0 srgb <0.8,0.1,0.0>*1 transmit 0.5]
finish {
emission 0.9
diffuse 0.0
#declare T_cosmos =
texture {
pigment {
color rgbt <0,0,0,1>
finish {
ambient 0.0
diffuse 0.0
sphere {
texture {T_sky}
interior_texture {T_cosmos}
scale 99.9*10e4
Working with windows version of POV-Ray and Win7 x64
Is this normal for version 3.7 RC5? I seem to remember that with lower versions of POV-Ray on could go at least to 10e6. Especially with the Ringworld scenes back in 2010 the scales used where much larger without any black out.
I can indeed confirm that the Ringworld scene does not render correctly anymore, with identical black out.
Comment by Grimbert Jérôme (Le_Forgeron) - Monday, 25 June 2012, 16:51 GMT+5
Confirmed with Linux 3.7RC6
Seems related to the values in configbackend.h (source/backend/) of SMALL_TOLERANCE & MAX_DISTANCE
Comment by Grimbert Jérôme (Le_Forgeron) - Monday, 10 September 2012, 00:38 GMT+5
Additional comment: unable to duplicate the 3.6.1 reported behavior:
With my 3.6.1 (fresh compilation from source), the picture is also full black for a scale of 100.0*10e4
I will check a 3.5 later.
Comment by Grimbert Jérôme (Le_Forgeron) - Tuesday, 11 September 2012, 02:12 GMT+5
Well, it's easier to compile 3.1 than 3.5
With 3.1, I got the same behaviour as with 3.6.1 & 3.7RC6 : light red at 99.910e4, full black at 100.010e4
On 3.1, the difference of render between 99.910e4 and 100.010e4 is:
Pixels: 10000 Samples: 10000 Smpls/Pxl: 1.00
Rays: 20000 Saved: 0 Max Level: 2/5
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Sphere 20000 13173 65.86
Calls to Noise: 0 Calls to DNoise: 10
Transmitted Rays: 10000
Smallest Alloc: 22 bytes Largest: 12816
Peak memory used: 67263 bytes
Versus (100):
Pixels: 10000 Samples: 10000 Smpls/Pxl: 1.00
Rays: 10000 Saved: 0 Max Level: 1/5
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Sphere 10000 10000 100.00
Calls to Noise: 0 Calls to DNoise: 10
Smallest Alloc: 22 bytes Largest: 12816
Peak memory used: 67263 bytes
There is no more transmitted ray for the 100.0*10e4
This is for the Unix code. Maybe the Windows distribution used a bigger MAX_DISTANCE (or Max_Distance, it was spelled differently in previous version; but was still 1.0e7 on Unix since 3.1)
./3.5/povray-3.50c/src/frame.h:#define Max_Distance 1.0e7
./povray-3.7.0.RC5/source/backend/configbackend.h://#define MAX_DISTANCE 1.0e+10 // TODO FIXME #define MAX_DISTANCE 1.0e7
./povray-3.7.0.RC5/source/backend/configbackend.h:#define MAX_DISTANCE 1.0e7
./3.1e/povray31/source/frame.h:#define Max_Distance 1.0e7
./povray-3.6.1/source/frame.h:#define Max_Distance 1.0e7
./povray31/source/frame.h:#define Max_Distance 1.0e7
Comment by Chris Cason (chrisc) - Tuesday, 11 September 2012, 03:08 GMT+5
POVWIN hasn't used a different MAX_DISTANCE to that in the main source in any build that I can think of, and a look through the old source and revision history seems to confirm that.
For a while (Feb through May 2005) MAX_DISTANCE was 1.0e+10 and SMALL_TOLERANCE 1.0e-6, but apart from that it's had the old values for as long as I can remember
For the records: I consider this a precision issue that we don't want to tackle in a hurry while we prepare for v3.8.0 release.