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Port of FS181 & FS309 - Unimplemented, altered or missing features to document or fix.
(181) This is a list of unimplemented features and things to fix with respect to 3.7 vs 3.6 compatibility. They either need to be fixed in code, or failing that, to be documented prior to release.
Create_INI works differently from 3.6. Prior versions of POV-Ray would write all options to the file, even if they were not supplied by the user (non-supplied options would take the default value). Currently in 3.7, only supplied options are written, because the front-end does not send unused options to the back-end. The proper fix for this would be to have a set of defines that establish the defaults all in one place (currently we rely on hard-coded values scattered around the code), and for the Output_INI_Option() function to look up and use the default when not supplied. As this is not likely to be done before 3.7 release, we need to document it as a temporary situation.
The following messages are marked as 'currently not supported by code' in povmsgid.h. We need to check where this comment is correct and if so the docs need to be updated to indicate this (for items that are already documented). Some items may be re-implemented later, and some may never be:
This bug should be edited to add/remove items as time goes by
Draw_Vistas, Light_Buffer, and Vista_Buffer (plus associated switches) do not issue warning when used, even tho code has been disabled.
Comment by Christoph Lipka (clipka) - Wednesday, 15 December 2010, 16:49 GMT+5
Confirmed status for:
These are effectively non-functional at the moment, and are evaluated only for options output, except for "FieldRender" and "OddField" which are copied into member variables of AnimationProcessing but never used there either.
Fixed comment for:
This one is fully supported by now.
Details from my recent review...
Renamed ./source/povms/povmsid.h file presently Inidicates the following not supported:
kPOVAttrib_TestAbort = 'TstA', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_TestAbortCount = 'TsAC', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_VideoMode = 'VMod', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_Palette = 'Palt', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_FieldRender = 'FldR', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_OddField = 'OddF', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_HistogramFileType = 'HFTy', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_HistogramFile = 'HFNa', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_HistogramGridSizeX = 'HGSX', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_HistogramGridSizeY = 'HGSY', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_AntialiasGammaType = 'AAGT', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_LightBuffer = 'LBuf', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_VistaBuffer = 'VBuf', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_CreateHistogram = 'CHis', // currently not supported by code
kPOVAttrib_DrawVistas = 'DrVi', // currently not supported by code
Documentation indicates:
Field_Render=bool, +UF, -UF Available http://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:Animation_Options
Odd_Render=bool, +UO, -UO Available http://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:Animation_Options
Test_Abort=bool, +X, -X Available http://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:General_Output_Options
Test_Abort_Count=bool, +Xn, -Xn Available http://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:General_Output_Options
Draw_Vistas=bool, +UD, -UD Deprecated http://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:Display_Output_Options
Histogram_Type=y, +HTy Removed http://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:File_Output_Options
Histogram_Name=file, +HNfile Removed http://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:File_Output_Options
Histogram_Grid_Size=nn.mm, +HSnn.mm Removed http://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:File_Output_Options
Light_Buffer=bool, +UL,-UL Deprecated http://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:Tracing_Options
Vista_Buffer=bool, +UV,-UV Deprecated http://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:Tracing_Options
Video_Mode=x, +Dx,-Dx Undocumented (An old display option)
Pallette=y, +Dxy,-Dxy Undocumented (An old display option)
Antialias_Gamma_Type ??? kPOVAttrib_AntialiasGammaType used internally. Was it ever a cmd option?
(The output-file buffer options Buffer_Output and Buffer_Size are removed per POV-Ray 3.6)
Ini file support (ProcessOptions::INI_Parser_Table RenderOptions_INI_Table[])
Histogram*, Buffer_Output and Buffer_Size set in INI_Table to generate warning but not stop render.
All other "not supported by code" options parse but do nothing.
Cmd line support (ProcessOptions::Cmd_Parser_Table RenderOptions_Cmd_Table[] as tested on linux)
+HT*, +HN*, +HS* not present and generates an error.
+UF, -UF in table program runs with no warnings.
+UO, -UO in table program runs with no warnings.
+X, -X, +Xn, -Xn in table program runs with no warnings. (Windows?)
+UD, -UD in table program runs with no warnings. (Old FS 309)
+UL,-UL in table program runs with no warnings. (Old FS 309)
+UV,-UV in table program runs with no warnings. (Old FS 309)
+Dx,-Dx not present but runs with no warnings.
+Dxy,-Dxy not present but runs with no warnings.
- What is CC flag option... Looks related to +C, but I don't see documentation...
Other notes:
- The Light_Buffer option is still present in the --benchmark internal scene and
So... Suppose some documentation updates at least in order, but probably too code updates to warn on deprecated options which is problematic because ini file warning mechanism exists, but a command line method for obsolete options does not. There are also issues with bogus command line options doing nothing as noted in other flyspray issues yet to be ported. Lastly some of these options have associated code laying about which if the option is gone for good should probably be clean up.
Jim cleaned up many of the documentation issues mentioned for the 3.7.1 release.
See the following newsgroup thread:
Another top to bottom review should probably be done for 3.7.2 or whatever release comes next so keeping this thread open for that review.
While a lot of this may have been done already, this is certainly something we want to look over again before we release v3.8.0.