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NGAC ABAC Web Service Implementation


NGAC ABAC Web Service Implementation

Policy Machine Webservices Setup Guide

Docker Deployment

Note: Using Neo4j only To run the Policy Machine in a Docker container using Docker Compose, using the Docker Quickstart Terminal:

  1. Download and install Docker Toolbox:
    • For mac: https://docs.docker.com/toolbox/toolbox_install_mac/
    • For windows: https://docs.docker.com/toolbox/toolbox_install_windows/
  2. Run the Docker Quickstart Terminal
  3. Run mvn clean package install from the project root. This will create the pm.war file in the 'target' folder.
  4. In the docker terminal, navigate to the project root and run docker-compose up.
    This will deploy the pm.war file on a tomcat server, and start a neo4j instance.
  5. Connect to the Neo4j database at localhost:7474. Create a user that will be used to connect the PM to the database.
  6. Access the Policy Machine configuration page at localhost:8080/pm/config.jsp. Here you will be able to connect the PM to the Neo4j database.
  7. Load the super.pm configuration in /configs.

The architecture is RESTful Web services with JAX-RS using MySQL and Neo4j. This version offers both the databases and you can pick the one of your choice. The code has been tested on Tomcat server using Neo4J (v 3.2.1) and MySQL (v5.5). Prerequisites –

  1. Install database of your choice.
  2. In case of MySQL database, run MySQLSetup.bat file and follow the instructions. This will create the schema and necessary metadata for the web services.

A setup utility comes up upon successful server startup, which lets you pick your database and will connect to it for you. Alternatively, you can go to http://localhost:8080/pm/config.jsp.