vscode-material-icon-theme copied to clipboard
[Icon Request] Polyglot Notebook
Icon Type
- [ ] Folder
- [x] File
File Names
(any file with.dib
file extension)
Graphic ideas
Additional context icon for Polyglot Notebook
after search i found same issue #885 still open since 2020
i get the source Icon from official Repo and change It's Colors with material color converter
original | Modified |
original colors | material colors |
#0078D4 |
#1976D2 |
#0050AC |
#0D47A1 |
#107C10 |
#2E7D32 |
#005400 |
#1B5E20 |
#E25A01 |
#E65100 |
#BA3200 |
#BF360C |
#D70A0A |
#D50000 |
#A50000 |
#B71C1C |
#D7D4D4 |
#E0E0E0 |
#EAE8E8 |
#A35CFF |
#7C4DFF |
#4931DE |
#6200EA |
after all when i add it to vscode this icon looks ugly 🤷😅 can it be more beautiful than that?!
I was also looking for this one. I made mine by scratch to simplify the icon and make it look better at 16px which is the size of the icons in vs code at 100% zoom.
But yeah, it's not exactly the prettiest of the logos haha