Results 35 comments of PJBrs

Hi @canismarko , I rebased my entire local tree and force pushed it over here. Incidentally, I also noticed that there have been quite some updates in MSavage's dndtemplate itself,...

Hi @bw-mutley that's nice to hear! I wouldn't like to clobber this repo with pull requests, but I did prepare [a separate branch with only MSavage latex template fixes](https://github.com/PJBrs/dungeon-sheets/tree/MSavage-latex-template). And...

Hi @bw-mutley, thanks for your tests! I think two things. First, are you on the [_latest_ version of MSavage's dndtemplate](https://github.com/matsavage/DND-5e-LaTeX-Character-Sheet-Template)? Some of my changes are specifically focused on dealing with...

@bw-mutley Small heads up: I needed to add one more patch. I just noticed that MSavage's dndtemplate now treats proficiencies a bit differently, which caused the proficiency markers to disappear....

@bw-mutley ... and I found one final formatting issue in the MSavage latex sheet, so please do one more ``` git fetch pjbrs git checkout pjbrs/MSavage-latex-template ``` Last patch now...