OpenVINO-YoloV3 copied to clipboard
IR model Results Really Bad
[Required] Your device (RaspberryPi3, LaptopPC, or other device name): LaptopPC
[Required] Your device's CPU architecture (armv7l, x86_64, or other architecture name): I7 8700K
[Required] Your OS (Raspbian, Ubuntu1604, or other os name): Windows Subsystem Linux(Ubuntu1804) with 2019R1 openvino
[Required] Overview of problems and questions:
Thanks for your great project. The IR model perform very bad, and different from the PB result. Here is a example:(Yellow is pb model)
I also see some related issues like But I think it's not the bug of the code, because the boxes is not displaced, but also have many wrong predictions. I wonder if the conversion process of mine is wrong.
Here is the json:
"id": "TFYOLOV3",
"match_kind": "general",
"custom_attributes": {
"classes": 4,
"coords": 4,
"num": 9,
"mask": [3,4,5],
"entry_points": ["detector/yolo-v3/Reshape", "detector/yolo-v3/Reshape_4", "detector/yolo-v3/Reshape_8"]
The confidence threshold is same. Both are 0.5
You can update openvino version to 2019,and try it again
You can update openvino version to 2019,and try it again
It's already the 2019 version. 2019.1.094
You can update openvino version to 2019,and try it again
It's already the 2019 version. 2019.1.094
I am working on windows,use
You can update openvino version to 2019,and try it again
It's already the 2019 version. 2019.1.094
I am working on windows,use
Thanks. But I wonder if it's because the conversion of pb to xml and bin. Would you mind add my QQ for more detailed discussion? QQ: 348217470