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PhpSpreadsheet copied to clipboard

.xlsx file opened with error "We found a problem with some content"

Open PinKevin opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

This is:

- [X] a bug report
- [ ] a feature request
- [ ] **not** a usage question (ask them on or

What is the expected behavior?

The file is opened correctly without notification "We found a problem with some content in 'file name'. "

What is the current behavior?

The file is opened with notification "We found a problem with some content in 'file name'. "

What are the steps to reproduce?

public function printReport()
        $data = $this->allDokumenDipinjam();

        if ($data) {
            $data = $data->values();

            $spreadsheet = IOFactory::load('format/format-laporan.xlsx');
            $worksheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();

            foreach ($data as $index => $debitur) {
                $dokumen = $debitur->dokumen->values();
                $dokumenCount = count($dokumen);
                $worksheet->mergeCells("A" . 5 + $index . ":A" . 5 + $dokumenCount - 1);

        $writer = IOFactory::createWriter($spreadsheet, 'Xlsx');

        return response()->download('tes.xlsx')->deleteFileAfterSend(true);

What features do you think are causing the issue

  • [ ] Reader
  • [X] Writer
  • [X] Styles
  • [ ] Data Validations
  • [ ] Formula Calculations
  • [ ] Charts
  • [ ] AutoFilter
  • [ ] Form Elements

Does an issue affect all spreadsheet file formats? If not, which formats are affected?

I only tried it in .xlsx format.

Which versions of PhpSpreadsheet and PHP are affected?

PHP: 8.2.4 PhpSpreadsheet: 2.0

PinKevin avatar Feb 21 '24 01:02 PinKevin

Unable to debug without file (format-laporan.xlsx) and data (allDokumenDipinjam()).

oleibman avatar Feb 21 '24 06:02 oleibman

I can confirm this bug and add the following preliminary information:

  1. it does not originate in release 2.0, but somewhere in release 1.29.0. The same file works in versions <= 1.28.0, but not in 1.29.0 or 2.0.0
  2. it does not look like Zipstream 3 is to blame, I downgraded to 2.4 and still had it generate a faulty file.
  3. It's not limited to the writer. If you take an xlsx template and load it, then immediately save it, for example as xls, you will still end up with a faulty file.
  4. it only appears in Excel. LibreOffice opens the files without a problem, as before.

I've been doing various diffs to try and find the bug. I have a hunch it has something to do with styles, but will need to diff deeper to find it.

agaluf avatar Apr 05 '24 17:04 agaluf

I have the same problem. I tried to downgrade phpoffice/phpspreadsheet => 1.28.0 and Zipstream => 2.4 but it Is the same. What can i do?

Mancera63 avatar May 31 '24 01:05 Mancera63

Unable to help without a file that demonstrates the problem.

oleibman avatar May 31 '24 04:05 oleibman

I tried to generate my file with a template and without it.

$objPHPExcel = new Spreadsheet();
//$objReader = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::createReader("Xlsx");
//$objPHPExcel = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::load("excel/Templates/usuariosCursos.xlsx");

// Set document properties
$objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCreator("Sistema Versión 3.0")
	->setLastModifiedBy("Sistema Versión 3.0")
	->setTitle("Lista de Usuarios")
	->setSubject("Lista de Usuarios")
	->setDescription("Lista de Usuarios")
	->setKeywords("lista usuarios")
foreach ($newUsers as $i => $user) {
		->setCellValue('A' . ($i + 2), $user['entry_ID'])
		->setCellValue('B' . ($i + 2), $user['user_ID'])
		->setCellValue('C' . ($i + 2), $user['firstNames'])
		->setCellValue('D' . ($i + 2), $user['lastNames'])
		->setCellValue('E' . ($i + 2), $user['phone'])
		->setCellValue('F' . ($i + 2), $user['email'])
		->setCellValue('G' . ($i + 2), $user['province'])
		->setCellValue('H' . ($i + 2), $user['country'])
		->setCellValue('I' . ($i + 2), $user['occupation'])
		->setCellValue('J' . ($i + 2), $user['sector_0'])
		->setCellValue('K' . ($i + 2), $user['sector_1'])
		->setCellValue('L' . ($i + 2), $user['sector_2'])
		->setCellValue('M' . ($i + 2), $user['anuncios'])
		->setCellValue('N' . ($i + 2), $user['seller']);

foreach (range('A', 'I') as $columnID) {
$link = 'lista_usuarios_' . gmdate('d-M-Y_H-i-s') . '.xlsx';
$objWriter = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, "Xlsx");

Before I used php 7.3 with PHPExcel and I didn't issues but now I updated my php version to 8.3 with PhpSpreadsheet but when I try to open my file, excel give me the error "We found a problem with some content". LibreOffice can open the file without problem.

Mancera63 avatar May 31 '24 14:05 Mancera63

Your code creates an error-free spreadsheet for me. I did need to comment out the ob_end_clean call because it doesn't match up with an earlier ob_start. Of course, if that is not the source of your problem, I do not know how you populated the $newUsers array. For my purposes, I used the following code:

$newUsers = [
    ['entry_ID' => 'entry1', 'user_ID' => 'userid1', 'firstNames' => 'first1', 'lastNames' => 'last1', 'phone' => 'phone1', 'email' => 'email1', 'province' => 'province1', 'country' => 'country1', 'occupation' => 'occ1', 'sector_0' => 'sec0_1', 'sector_1' => 'sec1_1', 'sector_2' => 'sec2_1', 'anuncios' => 'anuncios1', 'seller' => 'seller1'],
    ['entry_ID' => 'entry2', 'user_ID' => 'userid2', 'firstNames' => 'first2', 'lastNames' => 'last2', 'phone' => 'phone2', 'email' => 'email2', 'province' => 'province2', 'country' => 'country2', 'occupation' => 'occ2', 'sector_0' => 'sec0_2', 'sector_1' => 'sec1_2', 'sector_2' => 'sec2_2', 'anuncios' => 'anuncios2', 'seller' => 'seller2'],

To try to narrow down this problem, can you add that to your code just before the foreach loop and see what you wind up with.

oleibman avatar May 31 '24 15:05 oleibman

I added the array before the foreach loop, and it's the same, but I'm checking that this error only happens in production enviroment, local works fine. I don't know if I have to change some config with php directives or something else.

Mancera63 avatar May 31 '24 17:05 Mancera63

Just guessing, but I would be interested to know if there is any difference between the settings for error_reporting and display_errors in your 2 environments.

oleibman avatar May 31 '24 19:05 oleibman

They had same display_errors = On and differents error_reporting. I changed in production error_reporting = E_ALL. The site gave me an error about ob_clean on my download code, I removed this line and now it's working fine. Thank you very much for your help!! :)

Mancera63 avatar May 31 '24 22:05 Mancera63

Maybe, for Laravel:

Xring-git avatar Jun 01 '24 09:06 Xring-git