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Add support for Date Axis in Line Charts

Open bridgeplayr opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

This is:

- [ ] a bug report
- [x] a feature request
- [ ] **not** a usage question (ask them on or

What is the expected behavior?

What is the current behavior?

Supported in Excel; not available in PHPss

What are the steps to reproduce?

Please provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example of code that exhibits the issue without relying on an external Excel file or a web server:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// add code that show the issue here...

If this is an issue with reading a specific spreadsheet file, then it may be appropriate to provide a sample file that demonstrates the problem; but please keep it as small as possible, and sanitize any confidential information before uploading.

What features do you think are causing the issue

  • [ ] Reader
  • [x] Writer
  • [ ] Styles
  • [ ] Data Validations
  • [ ] Formula Calculations
  • [x] Charts
  • [ ] AutoFilter
  • [ ] Form Elements

Does an issue affect all spreadsheet file formats? If not, which formats are affected?


Which versions of PhpSpreadsheet and PHP are affected?

1.23 7.3

bridgeplayr avatar Jul 29 '22 00:07 bridgeplayr

Sample spreadsheet creator is derived from samples/Chart/33_Chart_create_scatter.php 33_LineChart_DateAxis.php.txt

  • Data remains in worksheet "Data" with 8 datapoints instead of 4
  • some dates changed to not end on quarter boundaries
  • date format changed to mm/dd/yyyy, to show that PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel does not correctly calculate the date number
  • Charts are moved to a separate worksheet
  • 2 Charts are created in worksheet "Scatter+Line Chart"
    • ScatterChart showing dates but no tickmarks
    • LineChart showing dates with tickmarks determined by user

Additional functions are required:

function DateRange ($nrows, $Wrkbk) {
  $Datasheet = $Wrkbk->getSheetByName('Data');

  // start the xaxis at the beginning of the quarter of the first date
  $startDateStr = $Datasheet->getCell('B2')->getValue(); // mm/dd/yyyy date string
  $startDate    = date_create_from_format('m/d/Y', $startDateStr); // php date obj

  // get date of first day of the quarter of the start date
  $startMonth   = date_format($startDate ,'n'); // suppress leading zero
  $startYr      = date_format($startDate ,'Y'); 
  $qtr          = intdiv($startMonth, 3)+ (($startMonth % 3 > 0) ? 1:0);
  $qtrStartMonth= 1+ (($qtr-1) * 3);
  $qtrStartStr  = "$qtrStartMonth/1/$startYr";
  $ExcelQtrStartDateVal = xlDateValue($qtrStartStr); // derived from pure php code

  // end the xaxis at the end of the quarter of the last date
  $lastDateStr   = $Datasheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(2, $nrows+1)->getValue();
  $lastDate      = date_create_from_format('m/d/Y', $lastDateStr); 
  $lastMonth     = date_format($lastDate, 'n'); 
  $lastYr        = date_format($lastDate, 'Y'); 
  $qtr          = intdiv($lastMonth, 3) + (($lastMonth % 3 > 0) ? 1:0);
  $qtrEndMonth  = 3+ (($qtr-1) * 3);
  $lastDOM      = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $qtrEndMonth,$lastYr);
  $qtrEndStr    = "$qtrEndMonth/$lastDOM/$lastYr";
  $ExcelQtrEndDateVal = xlDateValue($qtrEndStr); // derived from pure php code

  $minMaxDates = ['min' => $ExcelQtrStartDateVal, 'max' => $ExcelQtrEndDateVal ];
  return $minMaxDates;

function xlDateValue($datestr) {
  // must invent this function since phpSpreadsheet's DATEVALUE implementation 
  // insists that 1/10/2020 is Oct 1 instead of Jan 10, proud that it ignores 
  // any date formatting that the user might impose on the date string.
  $dayOne       = date_create_from_format('m/d/Y', "1/1/1900");
  $dateObj      = date_create_from_format('m/d/Y', $datestr); 
  $daysAfterOne = date_diff($dayOne, $dateObj);
  $excelDateVal = $daysAfterOne->format("%a");
  // no explanation for requirement to add 2; just accept it
  return 2+$excelDateVal; // according to php as opposed to phpss
  • Add to Chart/Properties.php
        TIME_UNIT_DAYS = 'days';
    const TIME_UNIT_MONTHS = 'months';
    const TIME_UNIT_YEARS = 'years';
  • Modify Chart/Axis.php - add majorTimeUnit, minorTimeUnit, baseTimeUnit, and auto

    private $axisOptions = [ 'minimum' => null, 'maximum' => null, 'majorTimeUnit' => self::TIME_UNIT_YEARS, 'minorTimeUnit' => self::TIME_UNIT_MONTHS, 'baseTimeUnit' => self::TIME_UNIT_DAYS, 'major_unit' => null, 'minor_unit' => null, 'orientation' => self::ORIENTATION_NORMAL, 'minor_tick_mark' => self::TICK_MARK_NONE, 'major_tick_mark' => self::TICK_MARK_NONE, 'axis_labels' => self::AXIS_LABELS_NEXT_TO, 'horizontal_crosses' => self::HORIZONTAL_CROSSES_AUTOZERO, 'horizontal_crosses_value' => null, 'auto' => null, ];


    • Set Axis Options Properties. */ public function setAxisOptionsProperties( string $axisLabels, ?string $horizontalCrossesValue = null, ?string $horizontalCrosses = null, ?string $axisOrientation = null, ?string $majorTmt = null, ?string $minorTmt = null, ?string $minimum = null, ?string $maximum = null, ?string $majorUnit = null, ?string $minorUnit = null, ?string $majorTimeUnit = null, ?string $minorTimeUnit = null, ?string $baseTimeUnit = null, ?string $auto = '1' ): void { $this->axisOptions['axis_labels'] = $axisLabels; $this->setAxisOption('horizontal_crosses_value', $horizontalCrossesValue); $this->setAxisOption('horizontal_crosses', $horizontalCrosses); $this->setAxisOption('orientation', $axisOrientation); $this->setAxisOption('major_tick_mark', $majorTmt); $this->setAxisOption('minor_tick_mark', $minorTmt); $this->setAxisOption('minimum', $minimum); $this->setAxisOption('maximum', $maximum); $this->setAxisOption('major_unit', $majorUnit); $this->setAxisOption('minor_unit', $minorUnit); $this->setAxisOption('majorTimeUnit', $majorTimeUnit); $this->setAxisOption('minorTimeUnit', $minorTimeUnit); $this->setAxisOption('baseTimeUnit', $baseTimeUnit); $this->setAxisOption('auto', $auto); // allow Excel to determine axis type }
  • Add 'dateAx' -- LineCharts only; not available in ScatterCharts

    public function setAxisType(string $type): self
        if ($type === 'catAx' || $type === 'valAx' || $type === 'dateAx') {
            $this->axisType = $type;
        } else {
            $this->axisType = '';

        return $this;

  • modify Writer/Xlsx/Chart.php

  • modify writeCategoryAxis()
    private function writeCategoryAxis(XMLWriter $objWriter, ?Title $xAxisLabel, $id1, $id2, $isMultiLevelSeries, Axis $yAxis, GridLines $majorGridlines, GridLines $minorGridlines): void
        // N.B. writeCategoryAxis may be invoked with $xAxis substituted for the last parameter($yAxis) for ScatterChart, etc
        // In that case, xAxis may contain values like the yAxis, or it may be a date axis (LINECHART).
        $AxisType = $yAxis->getAxisType() ;
        if ($AxisType !== '') {
            $objWriter->startElement('c:' . $AxisType);
        } elseif ($yAxis->getAxisIsNumericFormat()) {
        } else {
  • below line $objWriter->startElement('c:auto'); -- modify value of 'auto'
        // $objWriter->writeAttribute('val', 1); // LineChart with dateAx wants '0', but we don't pass in $Chart to test; could test for axisType == 'dateAx'
`        $objWriter->writeAttribute('val', (int) $yAxis->getAxisOptionsProperty('auto'));`

        $objWriter->writeAttribute('val', 'ctr');

        $objWriter->writeAttribute('val', 100);

        if (!empty($yAxis->getAxisOptionsProperty('baseTimeUnit')) && $AxisType == 'dateAx') {
            $objWriter->writeAttribute('val', $yAxis->getAxisOptionsProperty('baseTimeUnit')) ;

        if (!empty($yAxis->getAxisOptionsProperty('majorTimeUnit')) && $AxisType == 'dateAx') {
            $objWriter->writeAttribute('val', $yAxis->getAxisOptionsProperty('majorTimeUnit')) ;

        if (!empty($yAxis->getAxisOptionsProperty('minorbaseTimeUnit')) && $AxisType == 'dateAx') {
            $objWriter->writeAttribute('val', $yAxis->getAxisOptionsProperty('minorTimeUnit')) ;

        if ($isMultiLevelSeries) {
            $objWriter->writeAttribute('val', 0);
        $objWriter->endElement(); // c:$AxisType
  • modify method writePlotGroup()
  • add TYPE_LINECHART qualifier to $nofill assignment

$nofill = $groupType == DataSeries::TYPE_LINECHART || $groupType == DataSeries::TYPE_STOCKCHART || ($groupType === DataSeries::TYPE_SCATTERCHART && !$plotSeriesValues->getScatterLines()); 33_LineChart_DateAxis.xlsx

bridgeplayr avatar Jul 29 '22 03:07 bridgeplayr