PHPWord copied to clipboard
Word found unreadable content in "file name" after saveAs from TemplateProcessor
Describe the Bug
I have Word docx template file, i need to use this template and replace some text like ${firstname}. but after saveAs from templalte Processor, the word file become corrupted, and showing "Word found unreadable content in file_name"
Steps to Reproduce
$templatePath = public_path('files/template.docx');
$outputPath = public_path('files/test.docx');
$templateProcessor = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor($templatePath);
Expected Behavior
The word file should not be corrupted
Current Behavior
the file is corrupted and showing : Word found unreadable content in "file name"
- PHP Version: 8.2.9
- PHPWord Version: 1.1
really apreciate if you can help on this
Can you extend the workflow? It might be that you haven't changed the values. It might be the case that first you have to change the values with $templateProcessor->setValue('firstname', 'John Doe'); and then save it. And you can save at the same file the changes. Since as i understand that is the most common use case
in laravel I've same issue : `try { Settings::setOutputEscapingEnabled(true); Settings::setCompatibility(false); // Settings::setZipClass(Settings::PCLZIP); $template = new TemplateProcessor(public_path('assets/templates/regidoc1.dotx')); $template->setMacroOpeningChars('{#'); $template->setMacroClosingChars('#}'); $nom1 = "FRANCIS"; $nom2 = "ISASI"; $nom3 = "LORD"; $tous = 'Tous à Kinshasa'; $to = 'DG REGIDESO'; $date = 'KIN 26/03.2024'; $ref = "Numéro de référence"; $objet = "Objet de la demande"; $body = "Ceci est le corps du document. Il peut contenir du texte enrichi, des images et des tableaux."; $fonction = "Votre fonction"; $signataire = "Votre nom et votre signature";
$template->setValue('Nom1', $nom1);
$template->setValue('Nom2', $nom2);
$template->setValue('Nom3', $nom3);
$template->setValue('Tous', $tous);
$template->setValue('To', $to);
$template->setValue('Date', $date);
$template->setValue('Ref', $ref);
$template->setValue('Objet', $objet);
$template->setValue('Body', $body);
$template->setValue('Fonction', $fonction);
$template->setValue('Signataire', $signataire);
$filename = 'final.docx';
$temp_filename = $template->save();
if (file_exists($filename)) {
rename($temp_filename, $filename);
return response()->download($filename);
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
throw $th;