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Be compatible with different laravel and swoole adapters
look at file PHPOpenSourceSaver\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider:45 if (isset($_SERVER['LARAVEL_OCTANE'])) { $clear = function () { JWTAuth::clearResolvedInstances();
You clear only when octane is enabled, i use larave-S yet another laravel + swoole adapter and looks like this code don`t do any "good" for me.
how about rewrite to: if (isset($_SERVER['LARAVEL_OCTANE']) || extension_loaded('swoole') || extension_loaded('openswoole') don`t know - do we need cleaners when using octane and RoadRunner server.
Sounds reasonable to me; @dmason30 are you still around? WDYT?
Sounds reasonable to me; @dmason30 are you still around? WDYT?
Its clearing using Octane events so i am not sure what allowing anything but LARAVEL_OCTANE enabled code into that block would achieve.
But I don't get the issue, what's the problem to run only when the env variable is setup?
@v131313 your request sounds reasonable, I suggest you make a PR to evaluate!