terraform-provider-mssql copied to clipboard
Inconsistent Terraform Plan vs. State for mssql_database Resource
Current Behavior: When running terraform plan, the output indicates that the mssql_database.database resource will be updated in-place. Specifically, it shows a change in the name attribute from "another_database_name" to "same_database_name". However, upon inspection of the Terraform state, it shows that the name attribute is already "same_database_name".
Expected Behavior: The terraform plan output should reflect the actual state in the Terraform state file. If the name attribute is already set to "same_database_name" in the state, it should not be flagged for update.
Steps to Reproduce:
Ensure that the Terraform state is as described in the provided state snippet. Execute terraform plan in the project directory. Observe the plan output for the mssql_database.database resource.
Additional Information:
Terraform Version: 1.5.7 Provider: registry.terraform.io/pgssoft/mssql - v0.6.0 There are more than 20 databases in the same state file, and this behavior is happening for 4 of them.
Terraform plan:
# mssql_database.database will be updated in-place
~ resource "mssql_database" "database" {
id = "21"
~ name = "another_database_name" -> "same_database_name"
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
Terraform state
"mode": "managed",
"type": "mssql_database",
"name": "database",
"provider": "provider[\"registry.terraform.io/pgssoft/mssql\"]",
"instances": [
"schema_version": 0,
"attributes": {
"collation": "Latin1_General_CI_AS",
"id": "21",
"name": "same_database_name"
"sensitive_attributes": []