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Large feature ideas
I did a topic like this on Stratus where I asked people to post about their far-fetched gamemode ideas. Here I want to hear about any sort of "large feature" you'd love to see in PGM. Make it short and sweet, no need to flesh out a full concept (unless you want to).
I would like to see Domination implemented the way it is on Tusk.
Domination on Tusk has a timer that begins counting once a team has 4 out of 5 hills. If they lose one capture point (and are back to 3 hills, instead of 4) the timer stops counting, and if the enemy team gets 4 out of 5 hills the timer starts counting backwards.
@rafibaum and @mattarnold98 might know the implementation details for that
A/D is traditionally more successful but Splatoon has Tower Control which is a symmetrical version that works well.
Race for Wool
The communities have historical ties and would benefit from a good plugin automating games.
Bed wars
There's a massive competitive community surrounding bed wars and the only implementation of the gamemode is on Hypixel. This could be a great way to put PGM in front of a massive audience.
Dwarves vs Zombies
Long shot but this was a great gamemode and I think people would entertain a revival.
Annihilation/Destroy the Nexus
Another massive gamemode which has now fallen by the wayside. A revival would be :ok_hand:.
I would like to see Domination implemented the way it is on Tusk.
Domination on Tusk has a timer that begins counting once a team has 4 out of 5 hills. If they lose one capture point (and are back to 3 hills, instead of 4) the timer stops counting, and if the enemy team gets 4 out of 5 hills the timer starts counting backwards.
@rafibaum and @mattarnold98 might know the implementation details for that
IMO that can just be implemented with 2 generic "options", and a normal current 5cp xml, that grants score for holding 2nd point: 1- A score shared=true, where a single score would be shared by all teams, incrementing for any non-leading teams decrements 2- A score display=time, where instead of points it displays as time
I think that we could restore the Capture the King gamemode that was tested a lot on the old OCN map servers. I don't remember the specifics of gameplay but I think Electroid might remember a lot about what that was about :)
A way to display XML in game
I think that we could restore the Capture the King gamemode that was tested a lot on the old OCN map servers. I don't remember the specifics of gameplay but I think Electroid might remember a lot about what that was about :)
Should work fine in this version of PGM. mitchiii revamped the XML to make it automated a while back on Stratus. The only issue I may see is with the <give kit="kit"/>
module, I'm not completely sure that it's supported (it was introduced sometime after proto 1.4.0 iirc).
Round based gamemodes. -Lots of possibilities here for new gamemodes
Bomb Module - a module where you must ignite & prime the enemy team's bomb (TNT), until it reaches a certain time and explodes. This can be used as an objective or in conjunction with activating/triggering certain filters and must be defused to negate the effects.
- Name - Name of the bomb.
- Block - References the block region in which a bomb will spawn.
- Defusable - Whether or not the bomb can be defused once primed.
- Delay - How long it takes until detonation triggers.
- Defuse-Delay - How long it takes to defuse the bomb.
- Owner - Owner of the bomb (not required) - only activatable by one team.
- Required - Whether or not the bomb is required for match end condition.
- show-progress - Whether or not time until detonation will be displayed on scoreboard.
- Show - Shows objective in interface and fireworks on completion.
- Progress - Region where bomb detonation progress is displayed.
- Whatever will be activated once bomb detonates without defusal.
<bomb name="A" block="-595,24,393" defusable="true" delay="30s" defuse-delay ="15s" owner="blue" required="true" progress="a-sign-left" show="true" show-progress="true">
<bomb name="B" block="-393,24,-595" defusable="true" delay="30s" defuse-delay ="15s" owner="red" required="true" progress="b-sign-right" show="true" show-progress="true">
Just like Capture the Flag, the plugin would automatically check whether or not a TNT block is present. It could be used in conjunction with other modules to make some really interesting concepts, as an alternative to hills, and become a gametype in its own right. Noticed in the code before for the TNT module that if the delay is past a certain point, we'd need to keep spawning dummy primed TNT entities until it detonates.
For bomb module, isn't that just a control point? If anything, a control point with a fancy primed tnt entity display
Overtime While the result of a timelimit ending would be a tie, overtime keeps refilling, the moment it stops being a tie, it starts ticking down. If any control point is being contested overtime refills as well.
@Pablete1234 Mostly control point-based, yup. Just can be used as its own objective, would have a different playstyle.
Snake - You have a block snake and by placing blocks on either side you can move it, it could function like an objective you capture once or respawn at an initial position to be captured multiple times for points. I think something like this would be cool cus it would feel more like an objective based prokject ares gamemode while still allowing for conquest elements.
QoL Gamemode Reworks:
If KOTH could be reworked to how Badlion handled points, the gamemode would be so much better in every aspect A team would only gain points once they have 2 hills capped, in which points then increase at 1 per second (Triple caps increase this to 2 points per second) This allows comebacks to actually happen midgame if a team properly adjusts, whereas currently once a team knows they are going to win they can just stack 1 point
If CTF had an "Overtime" similar to Badlion, whereby after the timelimit runs out, if the score is the same the match will continue until a team captures a flag. Even better would be that if a team captures during overtime but the other team is touching the flag, the game will be over if the flag carrier dies and the flag timer ends. Would make games a lot more exciting as currently if the time limit runs out and its a tie its very stale and boring. Another nice addition to CTF which Badlion had was that if a team had 5 more flag captures than the opponent the game would automatically end.
Not massive changes but they would make both gamemodes far more enjoyable to play and as a spectator during tournaments etc.
Edit: Note this would be best as an optimal xml feature only for competitive use eg. PUGs, Tournaments
Competitive improvements:
DTC: add leak distance tracking and use it as the metric for core completion. Right now, a touch means getting 50% of completion, which doesn't reflect the state of the match (breaking one block=almost leaking the core with the current metric). By tracking leak distance, we can use it as the metric for core completion. For example: leak distance is 5 blocks, team A gets to 4 blocks and team B breaks one piece above the core. The way it currently works, these two teams would be tied, but this way team A would get an 80% completion while team B would simply get a broken piece [better than nothing, but worse than 1 block of leak distance].
Mercy rule for CTF: allow an XML option for adding a mercy rule, where if a team is up by X flags, the match ends in that moment. Example: team A is 8-0. If mercy rule is set to 9 (should be an XML config), if they get 9-0 (or 10-1,11-2...) they would win at that moment, without playing the reminder of the match, instead of dragging a very one sided match until the time limit.
Overtime for gamemodes: there needs to be a more detailed discussion to have with this one, but essentially, the most important thing is that if any map is tied when time comes, an extra timer is added. There should be a way to have several win conditions here (for example, in CTF, a "golden flag" rule where the first to cap wins; or whoever is up when the new timer ends; maybe an option to increase respawn timers during overtime, etc; all of this would be configured in a map by map basis through XML.
QoL Gamemode Reworks:
- If KOTH could be reworked to how Badlion handled points, the gamemode would be so much better in every aspect A team would only gain points once they have 2 hills capped, in which points then increase at 1 per second (Triple caps increase this to 2 points per second) This allows comebacks to actually happen midgame if a team properly adjusts, whereas currently once a team knows they are going to win they can just stack 1 point
- If CTF had an "Overtime" similar to Badlion, whereby after the timelimit runs out, if the score is the same the match will continue until a team captures a flag. Even better would be that if a team captures during overtime but the other team is touching the flag, the game will be over if the flag carrier dies and the flag timer ends. Would make games a lot more exciting as currently if the time limit runs out and its a tie its very stale and boring. Another nice addition to CTF which Badlion had was that if a team had 5 more flag captures than the opponent the game would automatically end.
Not massive changes but they would make both gamemodes far more enjoyable to play and as a spectator during tournaments etc.
Edit: Note this would be best as an optimal xml feature only for competitive use eg. PUGs, Tournaments
Number 1 is already possible with XML. Have it so that there are two hidden hills in addition to the other hills, each with a neutral state, that each that reward 1 point per second. Have the capture filters such that you have to control 2 or 3 hills respectively to capture the hill. For the 3 hills hill, the filter would then also have to allow the opposing team to make it neutral if they gain any hill (but don't own that point giving hill). There might be a nicer way to do it than that but it's already possible.