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Feature: Improve the way replaceblocks works with liquids (multiple water layers)
When making multiple fluid levels in the same biome I always end up with using water level for water and replaceblocks for a secondary level. Replaceblocks however can act strangely when used with fluids. Hence the idea of adding a secondary and perhaps even a third waterlevel one could adjust.
Elaborating on the "acting strange" of Replaceblocks is that with fluids sometimes entire chunks wont place in water or do so at a different level then what is defined in the Replaceblocks string. This is not to be mistaken with the clientside visual bug as a relog doe not fix this issue.
I've marked this as a suggestion rather then a issue as I've accepted the replacedblocks lack of handeling fluids properly to be a limitation that has always been part of TC/OTG since it's existed.
Hey @NLBlackEagle , could you provide an example of what you're trying to achieve? Not sure what multiple water levels in the same biome would achieve except being able to make some kind of... water layer-cake? Maybe multiple levels of caves with layers of water in between?
When working with one or multiple cave layers to add in a lava lake in a cave that is below the ocean. Or a ocean cave layer below the ocean with below that a lava lake cave :)
I'd love to send some screens but I currently only have my phone.
Here's a cross section of the example you've requested:
I even added a sun to brighten up your day!
As the amount of fluid layers is indefinite and if it is not too much too ask a function that would work the same as replaced blocks but then purely for fluids would come in handy. Such as:
Waterlevels: (Type,Minlevel,Maxlevel),(Type,Minlevel,Maxlevel)
Allright i get the idea. Waterlevel is used in the code (by mc and otg) as more than only a min/max level to add water though, fe waterlevelmax is also used to calculate the height for the horizon, and some things will/won't spawn above/below water level.
So in that sense, I'm not sure it makes sense to "extend" min/max waterlevel this way, wouldn't it make more sense to fix the way replaceblocks works with liquids?
Given the way waterlevel works it indeed would be better to fix the way replaced blocks work.