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[BUG]: No audio / sound (Qt Appimage)
Describe the Bug
All settings are default, the volume is 100%, and there is no sound with pcsx2-v1.7.3256-linux-AppImage-64bit-SSE4-Qt.AppImage
I tried an earlier version of a Qt Appimage, no sound either. (I wanted to test the wxWidgets Appimage version, but I couldn't, it crashed with Error: Unable to initialize GTK+, is DISPLAY set properly?)
I used an older, non-Qt version before (pcsx2-v1.7.2357-linux-AppImage-64bit.AppImage), and the sound worked with it (and works now, too). The sound is okay in other applications, so it's not an issue with my system.
Reproduction Steps
Use a Qt Appimage Lauch a game No sound
Expected Behavior
No response
PCSX2 Revision
Operating System
Linux (64bit) - Specify Distro Below
If Linux - Specify Distro
Arch Linux
odd , Audio works here with the appimage , can you post a log? can you try the latest appimage
Log: https://pastebin.com/raw/LUDY0zi6 I tried the lastest (as of now) Appimage (v1.7.3256), as I stated in my report.
Edit: I checked the older, non-Qt version (v1.7.2357) and there is a "Backend" option in the Audio settings, but no such option in the Qt version.
may i ask whats your pc specs?
i5-2400 Nvidia Quadro K600 ALSA for audio in Arch Linux
I've had a similar problem in Ubuntu a while ago. Make sure you have all the dependencies installed.
Edit: By the way if that's not the case, try building from the makefile, or just use Windows. It's the optimal way of playing games in PCSX2.
I figured it out. I needed to install pulseaudio (and start with pulseaudio -D). Although the Appimage should work without any installed dependencies, that's the point of the Appimage, or am I wrong?
audio works here with the appimage idk what your doing :confused:
Do you have pulseaudio installed on your system? If you have, then try to remove it, and check if you have sound with the Appimage. With only ALSA, I didn't have sound, I needed to install Pulseaudio.
I figured it out. I needed to install pulseaudio (and start with pulseaudio -D). Although the Appimage should work without any installed dependencies, that's the point of the Appimage, or am I wrong?
Yes, it should. I don't have an exact answer for your problem. It didn't work for me as well, but someone else didn't have any issues. In those cases, checking whether you have the dependencies installed on your machine, and if it doesn't work, compiling from the source is the best way to ensure maximum compatibility with your system.
I think the CI is missing some dev packages which are needed to enable the other cubeb drivers. Looking into this and adding a driver dropdown is on my todo list.
can this be checked on master ?
Tested with AppImage v1.7.4160 running on Arch Linux (KDE Plasma with PipeWire). Audio works fine and flawlessly.
Audio Setting:
For the record, this was probably because the alsa dev package wasn't being installed on the CI, which meant cubeb only had pulse support.