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Preliminary Support for GH Actions
As requested on Discord.
Do note that the build does not include the new(?) build steps ie deploy a full distributable with the new changes to the build process
Can you try to get this to Java 16? You'll need that now :-)
Can you try to get this to Java 16? You'll need that now :-)
Hi @karianna, it does build now against AdoptJDK 16, though it does not create the redistributable including the JDK, I think. Admittedly I'm not really up to speed with Java/Gradle.
What I think is going on, is that on gradlew all
it wants to do buildNsis but doesn't have a task defined for it.
Have at it :)
I approved this run to see if it completes. If it looks good I think we can merge.
@karianna and @grimreaper where are we on this one?
@LegacyKing as far as I can see it, the problem with nsis remains the same, I'm not sure if its possible to integrate that into the java build container.
So far it seems the build ''buildNsis" step is somehow picked up implicitly from an existing NSIS installation on the build host, considering its not defined in the build.gradle? Was that something that was done in jenkins before? Is it possible to separate that step out?
BuildNSIS is something installed on the windows machine of the host, so I'm not sure how we proceed, since that's part of the distribution package.
We are getting closer: There's a series of IT test failures (may have been around for a long time.
pcGenGUIElwoodTest > testElwood() FAILED
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Expected child nodelist length '1' but was '0' - comparing <total...> at /character[1]/weapons[1]/unarmed[1]/total[1] to <total...> at /character[1]/weapons[1]/unarmed[1]/total[1] ==> expected:
pcGenGUIIlyanaTest > testIlyana() FAILED
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Expected child nodelist length '1' but was '0' - comparing <total...> at /character[1]/weapons[1]/unarmed[1]/total[1] to <total...> at /character[1]/weapons[1]/unarmed[1]/total[1] ==> expected:
pcGenGUIPfrpgClericTest > testCode() FAILED
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Expected child nodelist length '109' but was '105' - comparing <ability_objects...> at /character[1]/ability_objects[1] to <ability_objects...> at /character[1]/ability_objects[1] ==> expected:
pcGenGUIPfrpgGoldielocksTest > testCode() FAILED
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Expected child nodelist length '127' but was '125' - comparing <ability_objects...> at /character[1]/ability_objects[1] to <ability_objects...> at /character[1]/ability_objects[1] ==> expected:
pcGenGUIPfrpgPaladinTest > testCode() FAILED
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Expected child nodelist length '115' but was '111' - comparing <ability_objects...> at /character[1]/ability_objects[1] to <ability_objects...> at /character[1]/ability_objects[1] ==> expected:
pcGenGUIPfrpgRogueTest > testCode() FAILED
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Expected text value '+8' but was '+9' - comparing <total ...>+8 at /character[1]/saving_throws[1]/saving_throw[1]/total[1]/text()[1] to <total ...>+9 at /character[1]/saving_throws[1]/saving_throw[1]/total[1]/text()[1] ==> expected:
pcGenGUISFmechanicTest > testCode() FAILED
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Expected text value 'Athletics +24, Computers +34, Engineering +33, Medicine +29, Perception +29, Physical Science +28, Piloting +28, Profession (Maintenance Worker) +27, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +7, Survival +6' but was 'Athletics +24, Computers +34, Engineering +36, Medicine +29, Perception +27, Physical Science +28, Piloting +28, Profession (Maintenance Worker) +27, Stealth +7, Survival +6' - comparing <list_mods ...>Athletics +24, Computers +34, Engineering +33, Medicine +29, Perception +29, Physical Science +28, Piloting +28, Profession (Maintenance Worker) +27, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +7, Survival +6</list_mods> at /character[1]/skills[1]/list_mods[1]/text()[1] to <list_mods ...>Athletics +24, Computers +34, Engineering +36, Medicine +29, Perception +27, Physical Science +28, Piloting +28, Profession (Maintenance Worker) +27, Stealth +7, Survival +6</list_mods> at /character[1]/skills[1]/list_mods[1]/text()[1] ==> expected:
pcGenGUISFsoldierTest > testCode() FAILED
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Expected text value 'Acrobatics +13, Athletics +12, Engineering +15, Medicine +15, Piloting +19' but was 'Acrobatics +18, Athletics +17, Engineering +15, Medicine +15, Piloting +19' - comparing <list_mods ...>Acrobatics +13, Athletics +12, Engineering +15, Medicine +15, Piloting +19</list_mods> at /character[1]/skills[1]/list_mods[1]/text()[1] to <list_mods ...>Acrobatics +18, Athletics +17, Engineering +15, Medicine +15, Piloting +19</list_mods> at /character[1]/skills[1]/list_mods[1]/text()[1] ==> expected:
@K-orne I think that last commit should have been a rebase.
@karianna Realistically this PR has passed the stage of being acceptable a year ago. It should probably be closed.
I have currently no desire to make this good in any form anymore to have it rot another two.