Darren Rose
Darren Rose
@honfika - any thoughts?
Every issue on here seems to get a response, but months later not one reply to my issue - can someone please help/advise? thank you
Could someone please at least try and assist?
Thank you for replying. It turned out in the end that the initial error with my app was caused because there were old proxy settings in the registry of the...
@honfika I have created a sample app to fully demonstrate the problem for you, which I hope will help. Attached is a small project which sends an email using the...
Okay thanks, any testing you need me to do this end just let me know :)
You can get the process name and ID using this apparently - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/iphlpapi/nf-iphlpapi-getextendedtcptable?redirectedfrom=MSDN
Thank you for you very informative reply - much appreciated. I will look into the "windows search index" and the new method in .NET Core and see if they provide...
Okay thanks ,was hoping your tool would allow me to do it in my own app, rather than having to use Disk2VHD. If anyone has sample example code on how...