Results 30 comments of PB

> Use the hwnd of the wxmenu not the window. A menu is a window in win32. @marekr, I have been using Windows API for almost three decades but this...

FWIW, I cannot reproduce it on Win10, with sample.xpm file: ![wxmenuitem-bmp-xpm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12495521/181036242-69d82669-652e-4682-82f0-05690a556d30.png) ```diff diff --git a/samples/menu/menu.cpp b/samples/menu/menu.cpp index 07886e3a8d..1c93db3cbc 100644 --- a/samples/menu/menu.cpp +++ b/samples/menu/menu.cpp @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ #define USE_LOG_WINDOW 0...

I can confirm the issue with this ```diff diff --git a/samples/menu/menu.cpp b/samples/menu/menu.cpp index 07886e3a8d..a0308ddb74 100644 --- a/samples/menu/menu.cpp +++ b/samples/menu/menu.cpp @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ #define USE_LOG_WINDOW 0 #endif -#ifndef wxHAS_IMAGES_IN_RESOURCES +...

Actually, much more is broken in `wxString` documentation in the trunk (it is OK in 3.1.5). I am not sure if this is related to recent doxygen upgrades or changes...

I can confirm that it must be doxygen version. I have generated HTML docs with doxygen 1.8.18 (on MSW), it is broken both in the master and 3.1.5. There is...

I tried upgrading doxygen to its latest version (1.8.18 -> 1.9.3): Did not help. I then checked doxygen.log: There is a couple warnings there but nothing relevant. I finally decided...

Regarding "ugly" close button on tabs, testing with the current master. My primary screen has 125% and secondary 100% scaling. When I start the aui sample on my primary screen,...

Just for the record: I think this is a rather old issue, discovered in 2020 with TDM 9.2 (only 64-bit version IIRC) and discussed on [wx-dev](https://groups.google.com/g/wx-users/c/D9vmQWFKgA8/m/BWIlTA5XAAAJ) and [forum](https://forums.wxwidgets.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=46685). And to...

This is already covered in the "umbrella ticket for broken doxygen" #22288, see the last post there.

I understand it must have taken a lot of work to make it mergable. However, I can see that file headers use the old format and the BCC stuff is...