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Research not working on server
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Context Environment
Minecraft version: 1.12.2
Ancient Warfare 2 version: ancientwarfare-1.12.2-
Minecraft Forge version: forge-1.12.2-
Link to your crash log (if the game crashes):
If you are using a modpack, link to the pack: Private modpack, waiting for approval for it to be public on curse forge
Expected Behavior
When i put the items in the research table, it should take them and start the research
Current Behavior
When i open the research table and see what items i need, i back out to grab them from the chest, i open it back up and the items have changed. the items seem to change every time i open the research bench, and when i manage to put the right items in the bench, it doesnt take the items or start the research.
Steps to Reproduce
Possible Solution
We’re going to need more proof, screenshots of the issue in action.
In fact, your main description of “items changing every time I open the research table” is a common confusion. That’s not it changing the requirements every time, that is it showing possible items you need to put in. It operates off of OreDict. So if it shows oak wood planks for example, then switches to spruce wood planks, it’s not actually changing the requirement, any properly registered wood planks will work. So keep that in mind when approaching this issue.