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Further improve robustness of mixup-trained models in inference (ICLR 2020)
Mixup Inference
This repository contains the codes for reproducing most of the results of our paper.
Paper Tittle:
Mixup Inference: Better Exploiting Mixup to Defend Adversarial Attacks (ICLR 2020)
Tianyu Pang*, Kun Xu* and Jun Zhu
Environment settings and libraries we used in our experiments
This project is tested under the following environment settings:
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04.3
- GPU: Geforce 1080 Ti or Tesla P100
- Cuda: 10.0, Cudnn: v7.4
- Python: 3.5.2
- PyTorch: 1.2.0
- Torchvision: 0.4.0
For convenience, we provide the requ.txt file to install the virtualenv that is sufficient run the codes.
In the following, we first provide the codes for training with mixup and interpolated AT. After that, the evaluation codes, such as attacking our mixup inference (MI) method and other baselines, are provided.
Training codes
Training with the mixup mechinism
Let dataset
be cifar10
or cifar100
, the command for training models with the mixup mechanism is
python train_resnet_mixup.py -model resnet50 -lr 0.01 -adv_ratio 0. -mixup_alpha 1. -data [dataset] -bs 64
When applying mixup, the initial learning rate is 0.01
, the alpha is 1.0
, the optimizer is mom
and we use the ResNet-50
architecture proposed by He et al. (2016). The training epoch on both CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 is set as 200. Pretrained models are avaiable: mixup checkpoint (CIFAR-10) and mixup checkpoint (CIFAR-100).
Training with the interpolated AT mechinism
The command for training models with the interpolated AT mechanism is
python train_resnet_mixup.py -model resnet50 -lr 0.1 -adv_ratio 0.5 -mixup_alpha 1. -data [dataset] -bs 64
When applying interpolated AT, the initial learning rate is 0.1
, the alpha is 1.0
, the optimizer is mom
. The ratio between the clean samples and the adversarial ones is 1:1. Pretrained models are avaiable: IAT checkpoint (CIFAR-10) and IAT checkpoint (CIFAR-100).
Evaluation codes
We mainly evluate the PGD attacks for different inference-phase defenses. Here the eps
is by default 8/255
, the pixels are normalized to the interval [-1,1]
. About the detailed parameter settings to re-implement the results in our paper, please refer to Table 4 and Table 5 in our appendix.
Evaluating MI-PL
Let dataset
be cifar10
or cifar100
. The model_checkpoint
be the file of trained model checkpoint, which could be trained by mixup or interpolated AT or other training methods. The evaluation command is
python attack_resnet_mixuptest_PL.py -targeted=False -nbiter=10 -data=[dataset] -model=resnet50 -oldmodel=model_checkpoint/model.ckpt -lamda=0.5
The FLAG targeted
indicates whether use targeted attacks or untargeted attacks. nbiter
is the iterations steps of the PGD attacks. For exmaple, the attack here is untargeted PGD-10
. Here lamda
is the mixup ratio for MI-PL.
Evaluating MI-OL
Similar to the command for MI-PL, the one for evaluating MI-OL is
python attack_resnet_mixuptest_OL.py -targeted=False -nbiter=10 -data=[dataset] -model=resnet50 -oldmodel=model_checkpoint/model.ckpt -lamda=0.5
Here lamda
is the mixup ratio for MI-OL, where we use lamda=0.5
for mixup+MI-OL and lamda=0.6
for IAT+MI-OL.
Evaluating MI-Combined
The command is
python attack_resnet_mixuptest_Combined.py -targeted=False -data=[dataset] -model=resnet50 -oldmodel=model_checkpoint/model.ckpt -lamdaPL=0.5 -lamdaOL=0.4 -threshold=0.2
Here lamdaPL
is the lambda for MI-PL, lamdaOL
is the lambda for MI-OL, threshold
is used to decide whether the input is adversarial according to the detection result returned by MI-PL.
Evaluating Baselines
The command for evaluating Gaussian noise
baseline is
python -u attack_resnet_baselines.py -targeted=False -nbiter=10 -data=[dataset] -eps=8 -model=resnet50 -oldmodel=model_checkpoint/model.ckpt -baseline='gaussian' -num_sample=50 -sigma=0.05 -numtest=1000
The command for evaluating Rotation
baseline is
python -u attack_resnet_baselines.py -targeted=False -nbiter=10 -data=[dataset] -eps=8 -model=resnet50 -oldmodel=model_checkpoint/model.ckpt -baseline='Rotation' -num_sample=50 -Rotation=20 -numtest=1000
The command for evaluating Xie et al. (2018)
baseline is
python -u attack_resnet_baselines.py -targeted=False -nbiter=10 -data=[dataset] -eps=8 -model=resnet50 -oldmodel=model_checkpoint/model.ckpt -baseline='Xie' -num_sample=50 -Xielower=24 -Xieupper=32 -numtest=1000
The command for evaluating Guo et al. (2018)
baseline is
python -u attack_resnet_baselines.py -targeted=False -nbiter=10 -data=[dataset] -eps=8 -model=resnet50 -oldmodel=model_checkpoint/model.ckpt -baseline='Guo' -num_sample=50 -Guolower=24 -Guoupper=32 -numtest=1000
Evaluating Adaptive Attacks for MI-OL
The adaptive attacks are perform under different number of adaptive samples, as shown in the command below
x=( 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 )
for num_sample in ${x[@]}
python attack_resnet_mixuptest_OL_adaptive.py -targeted=False -nbiter=10 -data=[dataset] -model=resnet50 \
-oldmodel=model_checkpoint/model.ckpt \
-lamda=0.5 -adaptive=True -adaptive_num=$num_sample;
This is an example of adaptive PGD-10 attack.